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Mixed Signals, brothers friend...long


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Okay, so here's the synopsis...My brother lives out of state & every few months he comes to town to visit. We all get together with his friends, go to the bar, have a good time. Me & his one friend in particular (lets call him *Rick) have always been kinda flirty, as in the sense we constantly rip on eachother- we're both pretty sarcastic. I've known Rick for about 7-8 years now, we used to work at the same resturant together but it was for a short time (maybe 2-4 months, can't remember exactley, that was a long time ago). Me & him have never hung out short of my brother being there, we keep saying we need to but I never get around to calling him, he doesn't call me. I almost feel embarrassed to call him & ask if he wants to hang out, even though I know him well & we always have a good time, I'm just kind of shy about it. I asked him to go snowboarding once, but he had something going on that weekend, so that never happened.


Well 2 months ago when my bro was in town, my bro's girlfriend was telling my brother that she thinks me & rick like eachother because of the way we act when we're around eachother. I brushed it off, but once the idea was planted in my head it got me thinking...we are pretty flirty with eachother, and I don't act like that with the rest of his friends. Nothing could come of it though, he had a gf, I had a bf.


2 months after that (earlier this week), my bro is in town again. He shows up in the car wih Rick to pick me up & we are headed to Ricks parents house so he can shower before we all go out to the bar.


So the 3 of us pile into the car & one of the first things he says is "so we're both single now, I know something we can do to piss off your brother". My bro started laughing, I didn't know what to do cuz I wasn't sure if it was a pick up line or he was just being sarcastic, so I played it off "what are you going to start dating his ex-girlfriend" & we all laughed. So we get to Rick's house & his mom shows up, first time I ever met her in all these years. She was soooo nice to me, just complimenting me on everything (my hair, my smile).


So we go out to the bar, we all had a really great time, we ended up closing the place down then heading to my girlfriends house with my bro & Rick. My friend didn't have enough places to sleep, so me & Rick took up the long couch. I was pretty drunk, so at that point I asked rick if I could curl up beside him & he lifted his arm to the side to make room for me. That was it, 3 hrs later we all had to get up because me & my friend had to go to work.


The next day we go to the bar Rick works at and his parents are there eating dinner. My bro & Rick's mom are whispering & I ask what they are talking about, she's like "nothing" but she had a grin on her face, so I had a feeling they were talking about me. Later I ask my bro, "does Rick like me?" he says "I have no idea". I said "Yeah right". He says "Really I have no idea, but yesturday Rick was talking with his mom (the subject was Rick's ex girlfriend, mind you his parents HATED her with a passion) & Rick says "well, I'll let you pick my next girlfriend" and she said "I pick ****(me)" . I don't know what Rick's response was because that's all Rick told him. Later Ricks mom says to me "so Rick came home & said ' I slept with **** last night '. Then he put his arm out (to mean I slept at his side) & said 'like this mom' ". I said "yeah I made him cuddle with me". Mind you, my brother is at the table, as far as I can tell he doesn't have a problem with it- if anything I think he finds it funny the way we act. he told all his friends at the bar about Rick's "so we're both single" line he used on me. Rick was working so we didn't get to talk much, but 2 times when he came behind me while passing by & squeezed my shoulders.


Okay, so we all leave & go to another bar. Rick was working still. My bro left early so did my girlfriend. I called Rick to tell him my bro already left so he might not want to come out, he said "okay I probably won't go". Then he calls me 5 minutes later & says he is coming. So by the time he shows up, my bro's other 2 friends want to leave so it's down to me & Rick. At this point the bar is starting to fizzle out, we really didn't do much talking, did 1 shot & then he's like "want to get out of here". So he walks me to my car, we hug & thats it. Oh he said "give me a call" but didn't say when or anything.


I don't know, it was almost awkward, like I don't know if he likes me like that- so now I'm really nervouse around him- which, never used to happen before! If he didn't want anything other than friendship that would be okay, but since I don't know what he's thinking I am going nuts. I sent him a text messege a few minutes ago asking him if he wanted to come up to my work and tan. He sent one back saying he was planning on it, then sent another that said 'not today though, when do u work next'. So i sent him my schedual for the week & he sent back that he'd let me know later but he had to go to work.


Now I feel stupid for sending that text, l don't want to be pushy or make him feel weird. He's not a shy person, just the all around guy that everybody talks to.


Does it sound like he's interested? This is why I am so confused, because he's just a friendly guy, when ever my bro leaves town we pretty much figure we won't see eachother for a while & exchange a hug, so I can't say a goodbye hug is out of the ordinary. Bah, I figure I've done all I can to give the green light, it's all on him now.


P.S. I might delete this post after I get some advice, I'm worried about someone I know reading it, I'm a little paranoid because I haven't told a soul I like him!

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Who cares who knows about it. Just tell him you really like him, you want to be his one and only, then hug/hold him, give him a kiss on the cheek, and tuck your head under his chin or againts his neck, and latch on like a starfish until he says something back. If it is front of other people, it would be nerve wracking and bold, but more effective. Maybe tell his mom how you feel. She could get at him from another angle, to get him seriously thinkin bout it.

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