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Girlfriend, Guy "Friends"?

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Me and my girlfriend have had some issues, she said she wanted to see other people, but we decided we would give us one more try.


Anyway, we're taking things slow and trying things out again, but I have issues with my girlfriends behavior. It seems like she can be flirty and she seems to have a LOT of guy friends. Theres one in particular that im particularly suspect about, and she seems to talk to him a lot, about as much (or more) than she talks to me.


The other day, she made a private album (of decent pictures however) to send to him, none of them of course included pics of me/us. I thought that there was wrong. She did once tell me that this was a guy that she would consider going out with if he was looking for a relationship/we werent together, but she maintains its just friendly. They also talk on the phone as often as she can, sometimes as much as me/her do in my opinion.


Any thoughts on this? If we're trying to make things work, I feel like this is another step in the wrong direction.

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Put it this way: you are both on a string, and she is considering which one to cut loose. The sad thing is that it will probably cut in his favor, and once she is in good with this guy she will start up with you with the old "we need a break" or "I need time to think" or something like that. She's definitely laying the groundwork, that's for sure.

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Me and my girlfriend have had some issues, she said she wanted to see other people, but we decided we would give us one more try.


Anyway, we're taking things slow and trying things out again, but I have issues with my girlfriends behavior. It seems like she can be flirty and she seems to have a LOT of guy friends. Theres one in particular that im particularly suspect about, and she seems to talk to him a lot, about as much (or more) than she talks to me.


Not good. It would be one thing if she carried on a normal "friendship", if thats possible, but being flirty with them? You can't tell me she wouldn't do anything with him if the perfect situation arose.


The other day, she made a private album (of decent pictures however) to send to him, none of them of course included pics of me/us.


??? Oh no she didn't! Sounds like she is smitten to me. Why in the hell would she send a picture album of herself to another guy? I'd say you have a right to be suspicious.


I thought that there was wrong. She did once tell me that this was a guy that she would consider going out with if he was looking for a relationship/we werent together


If a woman told me that, I'd end it right there and then. So she admits she is attracted to him or has feelings for him...and she is talking to him on a regular basis and sending him picture albums? I'd say dump her. She is not a faithful person



, but she maintains its just friendly. They also talk on the phone as often as she can, sometimes as much as me/her do in my opinion.


Any thoughts on this? If we're trying to make things work, I feel like this is another step in the wrong direction.


It is a step in the wrong direction and she is playing you for a fool.


So don't let her...dump her and let this other guy have her.


Then you go out and find a girl/woman that won't disrespect you like this.

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I know some people talk to their best friends every other day. I'm more of an every other week type. Perhaps this is why I'm in on a Saturday night (or I just moved back into town last week and am trying to keep a low profile). But bottom line, is there isn't much reason to be talking to a guy you openly admit you would date to your boyfriend, if you weren't dating your boyfriend.


INAPPROPRIATE. She should be saying "do you know any girls? He's such a good guy, I'd like to set him up."

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