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can we be more than friends????


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hey guys,

there is this girl. i went to high school with her and back then it was all fun and games. had no feelings for her. now we are both sophmores in college. it all began this summer when i got hired at this customer service job and to my surprise she was too. we became friends at first, then became even better friends. after about a month or so i started developing these feelings for her. everytime she would talk to someone in a all touchy feely manner it would drive me crazy. i thought about asking her out but she is engaged with some guy from her home country. she doesn't even like the guy and has nothing in common with him. but thought i should wait until she breaks it with him. but then early august she told me she has been seeing someone who just happened to be our instructor for the job training. at first i thought she was just playin with my head but when i found out it was true i was crushed. i spent a couple of days avoiding everyone and sitting in my room listening to sad songs. i know sounds a bit retarded but it made me feel a lil better. i wasn't myself around her like i had been before. then one day she confronted me about it. i just told her that i have things going on in my life which i can't talk about. i wasn't sure how she would react if i had told her how i felt.


i tried to tell her how i feel but everytime i think about it, the fear of her not feeling the same way kills me and also i don't want to lose the friendship we have which is why it always stops me. besides seems like she has a good thing going with the other guy. i mean from wat i can tell he seems to be a very nice guy. i tried to be happy for her but i can't seem to bury my feelings for this girl. i have never had a hard time with this kind of a thing before but she seems so perfect for me.


also i am not quite sure if she likes me or not. she is all touchy and feely with me but thats how she is with everyone. she laughs at everyone of my corny jokes even the ones i threw out there to test it out but then again she likes to laugh it up.


recently we've been flirting quite a bit..but i don't know if its friendly or something else.


idk i am so confused and wanted some advice. i honestly have no idea of wat to do. i keep trying to bury my feelings deep inside but it is easier said than done. i can't get her out of my head and having to see her in my class isn't helping me forget her. plz give me some advice..anything would help :o let me know if you want any more details..i will greatly appreciate it

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Sorry, ****, I just got done carefully typing advice, but a clicked a wrong button and it was gone. Sorry about that, I just can't duplicate something like that. My bad.

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burying the feelings wont help you solve this but get you more buried in the situation.you had the chance to tell her but you didn't so thats a lost opportunity. if she is with someone & happy in the relationship , let her be and don't mess it up by telling her how you feel. there is a good chance she will reject you & end the friendship. stay friends with her & date other girls and get your mind of her. tough but that how its going to be if you do want to be friends with her & maybe in the future , you will get another chance who knows... why wait for something you don't know might / might not happen when you can enjoy life , work & date & have relationship with someone else.

if you still feel that you cant stay like this anymore & have to do something , either you can tell her everything & face the consequences whatever it might be or just switch your job.

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yea poboy dats wat i am afraid of me getting rejected..thanks for the advice..think i will start dating other chicks and/or wait til they break up

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