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How Do I Approach This??? Help Please

Tickled Yet Confused

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Tickled Yet Confused

The other Day my boyfriend of about 8 months said "I love you" for the first time. only prob. is he said it on-line I know it was really him because he's the only one whom uses his screen name but I do I know if he really means it??


I'm to nerves to call him. he can't call me cause his roommate turned longdistance calls off his phone. I'm not to sure what to say when I call him!!


Please Help!!




Tickled and Confused

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That's great!! Just be calm, be yourself, take it as it comes. I love you is a powerful statement and I can understand how you feel. Do you feel the same sentiments towards him? Is it that you feel uncomfortable because you think he might want you to say/write the same thing back to him? Maybe he said it online because it was easier than saying it directly to you over the phone.


If you feel you love him too, you can return the statement back to him. If not....well, that's tricky 'cause you don't want to hurt the guy's feelings. I don't quite know what to say in this case.

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Tickled Yet Confused

Yes i do feel the same way and I did type it back but the problem is I feel this changes our hole relationship


I am so very confused I did try to call him but he wasn't there and I haven't tried since

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Why would this change your relationship? Don't people get together because they're in love with each other in the first place? Or don't people have to be nowadays?


I think people should tell each other more about their feelings, especially in a relationship. I know it can be hard if you are not sure about the response you might get. But agian: why would you be together for 8 months other then because of Love?


It's clear; He loves you, you love him. Nothing to be upset about. Just be happy!


That's my opinion


Yes i do feel the same way and I did type it back but the problem is I feel this changes our hole relationship I am so very confused I did try to call him but he wasn't there and I haven't tried since
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Here's another part to the story


He's a crack head I'm sure everyone knows what I mean


He got in a lil' trouble due to his lil' sis leaving pot in his car (he use to do it a few years ago doesn't any more)


Any way I'm afraid that when he told me he loved me he was drunk cause he had just got back from a killer party


And drank with some of his friends


How do I know if he meant it??


What If I call him and he doesn't say it again??

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