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Is she interested? and How to approach

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Ok, several months ago I noticed a girl I really didnt know well who I thought was out of my league start randomly saying hello and smiling at me in the school hallways. I kind of figured she was just being friendly, but now im not so sure. Today I had to go to take the ACT test and she was there, but I didnt notice her until she said "hi Bobby" as I walked to my test room. I kind of thought she might be trying to get my attention, so to say the least, I have had a good day :D


From what I know about her personality wise and attractivness wise I feel she is a very likely candidate. Unfortunatly we have no classes together hardly see each other for more than a second or two, and are from completly different social groups (shes kind of a prep and Im more of a Rocker Geek, I could be in weezer!)


Any suggestions on ways to approach her without coming off as a stalker or something?

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You have absolutely no other choice but to walk up to her when she is alone, introduce yourself and start a conversation. My guess is she is a friendly lady and is probably nice to everybody. But don't let that discourage you.


You might search last year's yearbook to get her name, if the two of you went to the same school then. Once you have her name, you may be able to do some preliminary research on her before you approach her.


You gotta start practicing this now because you will encounter many situations where the only way to meet a lady will be to walk up to her.


Good luck!

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Oh I already know her name and everything, in fact her mother is a substitute teacher that I have frequently and she is always boasting about her daughters achievements and the like. Also shes a popular girl and I know some of the guys she has gone out with and it seems shes into guys that are a little bit bigger, I'm not terrible fat or anything, I have some padding but most of it is because Im big boned and I've got some muscle. So I already have done my preliminary research. :D


Also I should of gone into more detail about her behavior towards me: She recently just came up and told me she really like this one shirt I've worn many times, she will look right at me as we pass each other in the halls and go into just a huge smile, I also think she may have winked at me but I kind of think she was winking at someone behind me, so I dont know.

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Geeze, if a girl I liked had come up to me and told me she really liked my shirt...I would have started a conversation right there....asked her to dinner....given her a ring....planned the wedding....and we would have kids by now.


You are way too slow for the women of today!!! Don't let golden opportunities elude you. Them moment she walked up to you to tell you about the shirt....that was your golden moment. You missed it. She probably thinks now that you aren't interested. That was her way of showing you she's interested.


You're only choice now is to walk up to her and compliment some of her clothing...and BE READY TO TALK ABOUT A WHOLE LOT MORE!!!

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Well I figured she was just being friendly, after all most girls in my school don't seem to be interested in me. I guess it has been pretty obvious and I've just been too dense to realize it. But sometimes it seems like she isn't really interested but oh well,


Tomorrow at school I'm going for it. I'm going to ask her for her number. I shouldn't have any trouble doing it, after all it seems pretty obvious she likes me, so I've got that on my side. :D

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Well, Tony I think u may have been right. I asked her out we went out, had a great time. I asked her out again twice, she was busy both times but invited me to her movie night thing. Well at it she completely ignored me it seems and got all huggy huggy with another guy I know. I think I did blow an opportunity by over analyzing and such. I know we will still be great friends though, and who knows, maybe something will happen someday.

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