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Text Messaging has taking over!!


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Ive been seeing a guy for the past 3 months now and for the most part we hit it off very well. My text message inbox has sky rocketed from 400 a month to 2,500 a month just from him. We are basicly friends still in the getting to know stage. We became intimate within about 2 months or so of meeting each other .


Now my thing is that he does everything through text messages. Which I dont have a problem with because to me I feel texting makes it a lot more easy to break dates, tell someone your late etc etc. I would rather someone text me and tell me that something came up instead of me not hearing from them at all.


So, just recently he texted me and asked

him: "how is my girl"

Me: "im good"

Him: So your my girl

me: yes

him: really?

Me: R u ready for that?

hIm: i think its cute


so, some how we got on the subject of something else?


So the next day , he says that he is going to a wedding next month and would love for me to come along with him, so i said sure ill go.


Later that night I went over his house to hang out! He didnt say anything about it , so I didnt either!


Has anyone ever had a similar situation?

Like not exactly knowing where you stand with someone?


I would ask him, but I dont want to seem like im coming on a little strong.

ive expressed my feelings to him before , so I dont want him to kind of feel like Im pressuring him. I want to ask like hey were you joking when u sent me those texts, but , like I said if he dont mention it I wont either.


I guess it just feels kind of funny because this is stuff that I use to do when I was 15 or 16. Like, write a note to a guy and ask them do u like me please circle yes or no .. lol

we are in our late twenties for peaks sake!

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Why not start by asking about the wedding? just ask, "So am I supposed to be planning to go to a wedding somewhere sometime?" and see where that goes. But ask in person, not text.

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we became intimate because we like each other, it wasnt planned through text if thats what your asking hahaha

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lol thats not where I was heading with that question. But yes I would say he was seriouse and you wouldnt seem out of line if you wanted to talk about it

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