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How do I ask her out?

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There's this girl that I've seen at the swimming pool a few times and in town as well. I really like her and she seems really nice, I'm just not very good at asking people out. She always has her friends around her which makes it even harder. Does anyone have any ideas as to what should do? PLEASE!!!!



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You could go talk to her and pull her aside and ask her for her phone number. Then call her a few times to get to know her better and ask her out after that.

There's this girl that I've seen at the swimming pool a few times and in town as well. I really like her and she seems really nice, I'm just not very good at asking people out. She always has her friends around her which makes it even harder. Does anyone have any ideas as to what should do? PLEASE!!!! Thanx
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Well, since it seems like you are still a young innocent nice person, I feel compelled to educated you in the most direct manner.


1. go up to her (naturally) and start saying stuff like "Hey, I've seen you around here often, what's up?", or just say, "Hi, I see around often and I just wanted to say Hi..."---just be casual and natural. Don't act timid because that's a bit of a turn off. If there's no way you think you will act natural, then don't even go up to her. End of the story.


2. (If you pass the first step) she'll say stuff like, "oh, hi,", or "yeah, I like coming here," blah blah...and the conversation takes off...then you can smile and say, "by the way, I'm so and so, what's your name?" --this is how most people comfortably meet. If a guy comes up to me all intense, I'd freak out, so make sure you don't act weird.


If there's no way you can control yourself, then don't even consider dating.


3. Then leave it there. Don't ask her phone number on the first meeting! That's plain too weird! Girls are flattered when that happens, but at the same time feel that the whole process is unnatural. You want the relationship (either romantically, or platonically) to develop "naturally".


Just say, "see ya later," or "nice meeting you" "See you around"...these are all good natural approaches.


4. Then the next few times you see her, you can say stuff like "hey, what's up?" and then the conversation flows naturally, get it?


5. When things seemed to be comfortable between you two, like when you guys talk about movies and stuff, you can imply stuff like "Yeah, I really want to see that too, you wanna go and watch it?" --don't ever seem desperate when saying this! There's always other times, so don't feel nervous if she says she can't. If she says no, then say, "really? OK," and end it there. DOn't seemed let down in front of her. Make the whole approach as casual as it can be. Like when you ask your male friends to go and watch a movie, would you be all somber when they say no? Same thing here, get it?


6. Get to know the girl over a period, like a week or so, just talk whenever you see her and then let things flow~~~


and then when the subject matter comes up, then ask again if she wants to join you to a movie that you're planning to see with your friends or something. Try not to make it a 1 on 1 "date" too soon. Make it casual.


7. When she says yes, then get her number make plans and start "hanging out" with her. GET IT?


OK, now I have given you the detail of attracting girls step one. Let's face it, everybody's the same. People feel weird if there's a lot of intense emotion on a first meeting. Don't ever feel that you're losing anything when you approach people. The reason we all become shy and intense when we ask people out, or approach them for the first time is because we have that intensity inside and we fear that we will lose face, or get rejected...so what?


Do you approach school friends like that? NO, so the same applies here. OK? JUST BE COMFORTABLE WITH THE SITUATION. Who knows, she might not be even the type of person you even want to talk to.


Also, if she's not sure whether you are approaching her just out of friendship or romantic interest, she'll be the one confused. That's a good thing.


Don't show your emotions too soon.


Well, I know I'm not suppose to give out this "cool guide to attract girls" but that's how it goes. It's all about the ATTITUDE.


OK now, go and get your girl and good luck!

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