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Is she being forward or just friendly?

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I've known a girl as an acquaintance for a few years, but this past month we've hung out 4-5 times, and she's initiated twice. The second time we had dinner, she suggested she come to my apartment. Recently she asked me to go study with her and the get dinner afterwards. While we were walking to dinner she complained she was cold, and I put my arm around her and gave her a squeeze. She thanked me but told me I didn't need to do that. Also she often talks about her "guy friends". Are these bad signs? Am I in the friend zone?

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I don't believe you are being friendzoned yet. A lot of women will talk about guy friends - it is the easiest way of seeing the potential guys jealousy level first hand. If he freaks out over guys he hasn't met, then that is a dead-end.


Also, she may be a shy girl and is looking for the same signs you are. She might be socially extroverted, but that does not transcend into romantically extroverted (a lot of people get this wrong). Your best option is to ask her to do something outside of school and if she agrees, then she sees you as more than a study buddy or friend.


Good luck

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Oh thanks, but we have hung out outside of school. Gone to a few dinners, played pool together a few times. Thing is she'll often say something like she's busy for the next few weeks and doesn't want to do anything for a while. Even happened this month and I waited 2 weeks to ask her again.

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whatever you have said , points towards a friends zone for the two of you. if you still interested to explore and find out , ask her out on a real date rather than just hanging out.

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