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Is this verbal/emotional abuse?


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Okay, so i am not saying I am perfect. I have my own past problems and am in therapy for it. I am generally easy going, not jealous or possesive, hardworking, good person.

I have come to think I may be a bad person for all of the things i have said to my BF because HE says so, but I think i just have a hard time getting things across, and/or he totally misinterprets what I say.

He has even put words in my mouth, that i know I didnt say, but he is so convinced that i did, that I am starting to doubt myself! He tells me all the time, "that's what you said, so it must mean this". He makes assumptions like if he asks me a question, and I dont want to answer, he thinks that means yes/no. Whatever suits his way of thinking at the time.

I turned my back to him at a party one time and ended up meeting the new neighbor, who happened to be a guy, and he accused me of "ignoring him for 1/2 and hour, and flirting with some other guy." Then, any time we argue, he brings it up, and uses it as an excuse to be mad at me. I feel like I am defending myself against the same accusations over and over again. I especially feel angry that no matter how many times I tell him I didnt say "that", he is convinced that i did. It's an impass we are at.


Well, as I write, I am asking myself why I cannot see this is emotional abuse? I love him, but how can I be with someone who, when i try to bring up an issue with him says I am "mouthing off" to him, like I am some kid. He is a bit older than me, 12 yrs, may be that is it? I dont know...He has divorce issues from childhood, girls cheating on him, wife cheated on him, only married him for his money, etc. they got divorced. I think I should just leave...

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