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cheated on , on new years eve, how do i forgive her?


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I have been with my girlfriend for about three and a half months. We both love each other and spend every waking moment togeather. There's only one problem, on new years eve after we had had a big fight the night before, she S'd another guys D, while she was drunk(she never drinks, and I'm a sober alcholic). We weren't officially going out any more, but we were still together and everything. I'm 17 and this is my first serious relationship, and I want to be together with her forever. I've tried to put it out of my mind, but I can't. I am hurt so bad inside and she does everything to make me feel better. The thing that really pisses me off is that she gave him a bj after one night and she won't even do it for me. What should I do? We both love each other and want to be togeather for a long time . Will I get over it eventully, or not?

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I have been with my girlfriend for about three and a half months. We both love each other and spend every waking moment togeather. There's only one problem, on new years eve after we had had a big fight the night before, she S'd another guys D, while she was drunk(she never drinks, and I'm a sober alcholic). We weren't officially going out any more, but we were still together and everything. I'm 17 and this is my first serious relationship, and I want to be together with her forever. I've tried to put it out of my mind, but I can't. I am hurt so bad inside and she does everything to make me feel better. The thing that really pisses me off is that she gave him a bj after one night and she won't even do it for me. What should I do? We both love each other and want to be togeather for a long time . Will I get over it eventully, or not?

Sorry, to hear about that, even though the excuse is alcohol,it did happen. If you really love her , you will forgive her. Sometimes drinking to much can cause, misconceptions between lust and love.

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It's going to take you a long time to get over this one my friend. If you decide to go forward with this relationship and forgive, there will be a scar on you that will last for a long time. This happened to me at the beginning of a very long relationship (we ended up staying together for about 5 years) -- and in the end, to the final moment of our relationship, I always carried that hurt with me. She ended up cheating on me again actually.


But the bottom line is do you want someone who will turn to another man the moment things seem wrong or bad between you two? I think it says something about the other person when they feel the need to run to another once things seem sour -- even if it was technically "ok" for her to do what she did, her choice to be with someone else meant that she had given up the chance of working things out with you as far as I'm concerned. She sounds a lot like my ex, and I would forget her, personally. This will affect your relationship for the long-term if you stay in it.

I have been with my girlfriend for about three and a half months. We both love each other and spend every waking moment togeather. There's only one problem, on new years eve after we had had a big fight the night before, she S'd another guys D, while she was drunk(she never drinks, and I'm a sober alcholic). We weren't officially going out any more, but we were still together and everything. I'm 17 and this is my first serious relationship, and I want to be together with her forever. I've tried to put it out of my mind, but I can't. I am hurt so bad inside and she does everything to make me feel better. The thing that really pisses me off is that she gave him a bj after one night and she won't even do it for me. What should I do? We both love each other and want to be togeather for a long time . Will I get over it eventully, or not?
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