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what is the difference???

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I don't see much. We are here because our parents (at least on of them) got friendly. So either way, people friendly and it goes into sex.

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My impression was fwb was an understood arrangement between two people for casual sex whenever it was desired/needed. Casual sex is just that. Two people get together. No expectations for any future getting together.

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FWB is just a more specified meaning of casual sex. Casual sex could mean one night stands or hooking up with a buddy a few times. FWB, to me, is when 2 friends occasionally or frequently sleep together but they vocalize the fact that they are not dating and both people consider it only a sexual friendship and nothing more.

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Definitions don't really matter: friends with benefits = available sex. How is it different than **** buddies? How is it different than casual sex? At the end of the day, it's not. Men and women are horny and they want to ****.


People will say the "FRIEND" part of friends with benefits is most important. I agree only in the sense that total honesty is required.



  1. There can be no expectations for a relationship
  2. As soon as someone develops feelings and wants more, that needs to be communicated
  3. Both people in a friends with benefits relationship need to cease the benefits as soon as (2) occurs.
  4. Ideally, both people are in agreement BEFORE benefits begin that you are not right for each for a relationship.

It's only different from **** buddies and casual sex in that in those situations, you don't **** that often, maybe only a couple times, and it is completely CLEAR you aren't right for each other. Friends with benefits, there is probably a little more attraction or respect existing. The FRIEND part only implies that emotions are discusses when they are developed and the relationship ends. Even if the attached person says "it is ok, I still want the sex" the other person needs to say "no, you are my friend, you have gotten attached, so this needs to end because I am unwilling to risk hurting you."


If you know the other person wants more, you need to end it! Period.


Also, friends with benefits = "you'll do until someone better comes along." Even if you are truly in a place where a relationship isn't a priority, such as working hard, med school, etc, what it really means is "I don't want to invest the time to actively date, but I want sex, so you will do until someone amazing comes into my life or I have more time to look for that person." So don't be suckered into a FWB situation if you've been dating someone a while, and they back off claiming they are too busy for a full time relationship. It means "you'll do until someone better comes along."

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