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Is this an appropriate question to ask on interview

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Do you think its appropriate to ask the interviewer what is the best and worst traits of the current job that currenly being filled. I think if they ask interviewers that question we should ask it as well.. would anyone ask that in a interview.

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brainless twit

I would ask it in a different way, but other than that I think it's appropriate. I usually ask, "What would be the biggest challenges I would face in this position?" and "What do other/former workers find rewarding about this position?"

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I would Say not it is not, Your question should be much more specific. If you ask a question like that the employer will assume you haven't read the job description and aren't really that interested in the position.

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I like the suggestions of the previous poster. Also, just to nitpick, the word "traits" always applies to people, not situations or objects, so I would say "characteristics" or "aspects".

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I think a good way of coining that question would be to ask, "what would you say are the benefits for working for this company/this position?" Of course if you want to find out the negatives also, you're going to have to ask the question slightly different.


If they are rehiring because someone left the position you are applying for and you want to know why, just ask "How did the previous person in this position feel about working here (at the company)?" But if it's a new position then dont bother asking.

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If I were interviewing you, I would hire you on the spot because you have the guts to challenge. In saying this, you immediately make yourself the commodity and put the company as the ones to woo you.


Gauge by your interviewer whether you should broach it, in the most direct fashion or differing levels below that. If they show a twisted sense of humour, do it. :D

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