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A long time coming?


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I have been dating this girl(tara) since i was 16. Here is the short version, we dated well for two years.. she cheated on me.. i broke up with her we got back she left me came back i waited then got back with her. then she kinda left me again.. when she found out i was doin my own thing then wanted to get back. so we did. I left her about 8 months ago. (we still kinda talked over the phone and saw each other monthly) This girl all ways came back. but she was very obsessive over me. she would drive by my house blah blah... so i dated another girl broke up with her to get back together with the ex(tara). well she called me july 4th after we had a little bit of a falling out the month before. see found out i was still talking to girl number 2. and i was not there for a very important event in her life. she when she called me she had another boyfriend. he broke up with her and she "doesnt know" about us getting back together now.. but she wants to be friends.. see the thing is... she will warm up to us getting back but then pushes me away. she doesnt want to have sex with me. but she will spent the night hug me kiss me, she will tell me that she loves me and cant imagine her life with out me, and she says "my feelings are kinda different for you" or "I think other things might be out there for me" however she REALLY wants us to stay friends.. and i know in the back of her head she is always thinking about us getting back together. but i dont feel like being her safety net, while i am trying very hard to be with her. should i back off trying to get back together with her and stay friends until she is ready?.. or should i stop talking to her and wait for her to come back like always..



ps we have been on and off for about 6 years now

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