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how to handle these...

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how do i handle this kind of situations:

A guy I know, seen around at social gatherings, etc, who always talks to me & compliments me, asked for my email address. On one hand, i'm not interested, so why give it. On the other hand, i don't dislike him enough to say - no, you may not have my email address. I could say my email is broken, then he'll ask for my number - i mean, i can't have everything broken...


So in this case, i gave him my email addy, and of course he emailed him wondering if we can 'hook up'. Now i'm thinking i shouldnt've given it to him & raised his hopes =(


I suppose i'll reply saying i'm busy (exams, jobs, which is true), and don't rlly have time to go out. He should get the message, right?


What would've been the appropriate way of handling this? If I REALLY dislike the person, i can say "no", period. But otherwise, i feel too bad to not give them my email address...



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It is not rude to tell someone you deleted most of your email because it's junk and you don't give out the address because you just don't want to deal with it. It's also not rude to tell someone you don't give out your phone number because you already get too many calls and you don't need any more of them to bog down your time.


Time is precious. So is life. Take control of your life and stubbornly refuse to do anything you don't want to do. If somebody gets upset because you won't give out your email address or phone number, the world won't end, there won't be another war, there won't be a terrorist attack, you won't die of a rare disease, the stock market won't crash, your electricity won't get turned off, etc., so why make a big deal out of it.


Just don't do what you don't want to do. If somebody thinks you're a bitch because you want to hang on to your personal privacy, that's there problem. You aren't something just because somebody thinks you are.


Take charge of your life effective immediately.


The appropriate way of handling anything is simply to state exactly how you feel.

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