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The only way I know to get longer legs is to have orthopedics lengthen them by inserting posts and periodically lengthening the posts, or something to that effect. (Can you say "Ouch" and "Not covered by insurance unless deemed medically necessary" ?)


Taking exogenous growth hormone should not cause you to exceed your natural capacity for height, and the reimbursement for such is tightly regulated in the US and quite costly. Besides, if you are older than adolescence and the growth plates are closed, this will not work, anyway.

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I should also have said, however, that good nutrition is always important in maximizing your growth potential. Again. This only works before the growth plates close during adolescence/young adulthood.

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Are there any specific exercises that you can do to make your legs longer? Does runnung every day and drinking milk help?


Hang from a bar with some heavy weights around your ankles.....




Ok....maybe not.......:laugh:



Of course there's not anyway to make your legs longer. If there was, we'd all be Elle McPherson or David Beckham.


Actually running can really make you shorter. Ya see...wear and tear on your bones over the years starts to grind it down some. But it takes a long time before that shows up. :D

Weight bearing exercise, however, is important in building up bone. But it won't make them longer....just stronger.

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I'm very much in favor of longer legs on women. However, they come naturally or not at all!


I've always gotten compliments on my legs...and many have mentioned how they're long too. Funny thing is, they're not long legs. They might be nice legs....but they're not long legs. My point is, people sometimes aren't even aware of what they're really seeing, so the OP shouldn't worry.

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Funny thing is, they're not long legs. They might be nice legs....but they're not long legs.


It's a proportional thing. Actual length is secondary to the overall package.

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You ARE joking right?


Long legs? Not at all. Long legs are no joke. But as I've said below. It's a matter of proportion rather than actual, measurable length. In other words, a short person can still have long legs!

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my legs are 39 inches long. I'm still growing too.


The determinate of having long legs has a lot to do with genes. There is nothing you can do to make them longer, however, wearing nude/skin color heels make them look longer...and there are different styles of pants you can wear to make them look longer too. Look it up online.


short legs aren't bad...I have friends with short legs and they look beautiful.

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I found out from youtube that there's this special chinese cream where you basically rub them agianst your knees and it will make your legs look longer by 5cm.

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