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need advice on new guy asap


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I am in a situation and Im not sure of what to do... I have been seeing this guy for about a month...we talk mostly on the phone since he is an hour away at school but we have spent two weekands together since. I really like him...and he says he likes me....but I cant help but doubt it...I am a very insecure person and he doesnt know this yet. I dont want him to see that side of me but I cant help how my mind thinks. It all has to do with how previous relationships have went for me...alot of heartache and i know I shouldnt compare or think right away he is going to hurt me.


well there is this function at his college tommorrow and I and a friend of mine are supposed to go down there for this reason...but since he is there...and because I like him ohhh soo much I asked him if he would like to meet up with us for just a few atleast...just so I could see him....and he agreed but it didnt seem like he really was wanting to. It seemed like I may have just inconvienenced his day by asking....perhaps all this is in my head...I dont know. here is where the advice part comes in:


Since I felt he really wasnt into seeing me should I just blow off the part of seeing him tommorrow cause I am supposed to call him at 5 and we are supposed to meet up. So should I just not call him and just attend the function. or should I call him???


I dont want him to think I am to eager to see him (when really I am)....I dont want to scare him off at all.....I am just scared of messing it all up....should I let him know about this insecure side that lurks within me? please help asap...I will be checking often for replys and thanks ahead of time to whoever helps.



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No, never ever let a guy you haven't known or been seeing for very long know you're insecure. People in general, not just men, are not attracted to that and nobody wants to feel they have to cater to somebody's insecurities.


I would call him but tell him you sensed last time you talked on the phone that perhaps his schedule was a bit cramped and he didn't have a lot of time to get together. Let him know you don't want to impose on him if he has too much to do. At that time, he will either agree to see you or let you know it might be better to do so the next time you visit.


If this guy really made you feel like he wasn't all that excited about seeing you during your visit, I don't think I would call him again on such occasions, at least not for a while. Poop on him. I also think that considering you have been dating such a short amount of time, calling him to see him during your visit was not a good strategy since it shows a bit of eagerness of your part. Make sure that if you do see him, you don't make it a long visit. You don't want him to get the impression you went there JUST to see him.


You should also see him very early in the evening since he may have a date with someone else at his school. Giving him the opportunity to opt out if he needs to should cover that issue.

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