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How often should you be asking a girl on dates?


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How often should you be asking a girl on dates in the beginning? Once a week? twice week? What's the balance between not seeming too desperate and still seeming interested? THanks!

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the short answer is as often as YOU want, because presumably, you have other things going on in your life too and you don't want to see her every day. If you don't...then you need to get other things in your life. I personally enjoy 3 dates in a 2 week period for the first 6-8 weeks. Once every 5 days is good for me. And when the woman starts calling and initiating dates on her own, and I want a relationship with her, it happens very naturally.


You can call a girl after the day after a date, and casually mention doing it again sometime. Then call 2 days later, and ask for a date for 2-3 days from that point.


If you try to see the woman too much, she might feel you are too into her. You have to wait for her to make dates with you. But if you only try to see her once every 10 days, she'll likely think you aren't all that interested. Be busy and have things going on in your life.

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Are you already going out with her? Or have you been asking her out, and she has yet to say YES?


Like the previous poster said, ask her as many times as you CAN and if she says yes, go for it. But if you feel any resistance, you may want to slow it down. She may be creeped out.. "Geez, I need some space.. Won't this guy leave me alone."


If you're seeing her everyday, this may set up an unrealistic expecation on the girl's part. If you're free now, you can see her every day.. but if your life changes with more obligations, job and soforth, you may not be able to see her everyday. With some girls, that may cause tension. They may have a hardtime dealing with it, understaning right off the bat. Sort of a withdrawl issue.

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Angelsfan, no matter how much time you have, you shouldn't see someone every other day right off the bat. Grow into it. But you are RIGHT, in that if you start fast and spend a lot of time together at the beginning, as soon as you get busy or can't devote that time, the other person (guy or girl) freaks out because it is such a big change. You can't go fast and then go slow. Like a shampoo bottle...pull it in and out at a medium pace. :lmao:

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first off how old are you... you sound like your either under 18 or really inexperienced or both. Really there is no correct number read things out see how things are going if she starts turning you down back off and dont ask her out any more for a while. If your not steady you should try asking other girls out dont focus on just one

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Ah thanks, I generally go too slow i guess (once a week to every other week)


what are your results with it? Do girls initially seem interested but then lose interest? There is no right number.


I had an ex girlfriend who wanted to see me maybe 5 times a week right away -- and because I resisted and maybe saw her 3 times a week -- well, when we broke up that was just proof what a bad boyfriend I was, because to her "it is clear that good relationships start by seeing each other a lot right away." We DID see each other a lot right away. In my own experiences, if a girl can only see me every 2 weeks, I lose interest, because I feel like they aren't excited to see me, that I am a social option they schedule when nothing else is going on.


Once a week is fine for a few dates; see how she reacts. If she emails you the day after a date thanking you for a good time, take that as a cue to see her more often. When she starts doing some work too, that is when you can date her multiple times a week.

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ouch, I'm in my last year of college...well over 18. But yeah I'm very inexperienced. It does seem like girls are initially interested and then kinda lose interest. Maybe it's some combination of not wanting to them often enough and not making any kind of physical move?

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yeah that is true it changes overtime like sometimes in the begining ur both excited and all over eachother you may see eachother more then once a day so read the signs, and dont come off has having no life or put your life on hold for this girl (u sound young or inexperienced probably both)

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