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doesn't feel like "FRIENDS"

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hey my loveshacks! quick question>....


me and my friend mike have been real cool buddys now for a couple of months but now im feeling that he may start having feelings for me but im not sure... what are some signs that you think he may be into me than just a friend.. i just hope its in my head because i have lost plenty of my amazing male friends due to this problem!


Maybe its me? do i lead them on?!

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Just wondering - when you have lost your male friends in the past, was it because you pulled away, or because they did?


I'm kind of in a situation like this myself now where I do have feelings for a friend I've known for a few months and told her, but I also said it was okay if she didn't feel the same for me. She asked for some time and space, so I've given it to her. But it's been almost a month and I still haven't heard from her. I would be really disappointed if she turned her back on me since I would do everything I could to get past the feelings if she would only meet me halfway.


As for if you've lead him on, you'd have to provide more details as to how you act when you're hanging out together or talking on the phone.

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The fact that their male and probably attracted to you is the problem. Guys usually do not become friends with women they are not attracted to. If they spend lots of time with you then they probably want more than friendship. You have to lay the rules out from the start if you want a friendship to stay friends. By stating you just want a friendship with them will let you know if they really just want to be friends ( if they stick around or vanish ). Sometimes feelings just happen when you spend lots of time together so there is no guarantee that one of you won't want more. It is the problem between opposite sex friendships, sex gets in the way and men have a harder time keeping it out of the friendship than women.

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Ya, dunno why they would just stray off if they knew you liked them, or you asked them about thier feelings for you. Just be casual, and if he admits it, give him a hug. Dunno what else....

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The movie “When Harry met Sally” sums it up pretty well. Harry says that it is a shame that they can’t be friends because sex always gets in the way and ultimately dooms the relationship. Sally tries to disagree but she basically knows that he is right. It is so silly that people try to pretend that platonic thought can overcome their hard wired instincts. A woman who thinks that way is either a tease and has some kind of deep seated sadistic streak inside them or the opposite and a human refrigerator who is so fridgid that they lack the passion to understand human instincts possibly because of our screwed up society created from religious dogma. I don’t think you are the latter so to be quite brutally honest with you, you might be the former. After all, you say that you already have had this experience before right? If you really want to be kind, either have sex with him and let him know that it is only for fun or say there is no future of sex so if he thinks otherwise then he is responsible for his waisted time. If he likes you as a friend only then he wont be waisting his time

Here is a hard fact of life. Guys like girls because of sexual instinct more than anything else.. and vica versa. How you deal with this universal reality is up to you but don’t hide behind some kind of mythology that was created but defies 99% of male and female Good luck.. it is a tough world out there

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