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fwb...or more???

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ok, so i have been "talking" to this guy for a couple of months. we have never really said what we are however we have said that we are not out with other people. we talk on the phone and text a lot...but we never actually go out and do anything. i dont consider him my bf and he doesnt consider me his gf. we have hang out a bit and every time we do we have sex...i just assumed we are fwb.


well the last time i was over at his place things were a little different. he is normally sweet to me and stuff but this time it seemed like more. just the way he looked at me and touched me. we dont normally cuddle after, however we do normally spend the entire night together. this time we cuddled afterwards when he kissed me he held my face with both hands, he looked deep into my eyes, he kissed my forehead...mushy kind of stuff like that.


so my question is...if he only wanted to be fwb would he be doing these things. i mean if it is only sex would we spend the entire night together, wouldnt you just go do the deed and leave?? im kinda new at this, my last relationship was 5 1/2 years. so i dont really know what to think about all of this.

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Your best bet is to ask HIM what's going on in his mind about the relationship between the two of you. We can hardly read his mind from our computer screens. It sounds like he's really getting into you from what you write...but maybe there was some alcohol or pot involved in breaking him down (not to rain on your parade.) Maybe he was in a rare mood. I'd say if he's like that again a few more times, he means to get serious. But he very well may be too shy or scared to bring up the subject so I think you ought to. That's the way your question will be answered.


If you're open to things getting more serious, just be receptive to his overtures and play into them...see what happens.

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The behavior has to extend beyond the bedroom. Since you never go out or actually do anything, I'd bet he just likes that stuff with sex.


If it bothers you or sends you mixed signals, talk to him and let him know. And don't think your interpretations are stupid (most girls I've been FWB with won't tell me what they're thinking because they feel it's dumb/absurd/crazy/etc.), if you communicate well the situation will be better for everyone involved.

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so i met this guy a couple of months ago his cousin introduced us...he was great, funny, and oh so cute...anyway...well things went good for about a month...then his cousin...the one that introduced us started a bunch of drama...i think she was jealous cause he was spending more time with me and not her (this is crazy cause she is married...and he is her COUSIN) so we stopped talking...we would text a couple times a week or whatever but nothing serious...then we were texting one night and he asked what i was doing the next night and asked if i would like to get together with him...of course!!! i ended up sleeping with him...it wasnt the first time...but it was like out of nowhere. so a couple days later i asked him if it was just sex or if he wanted more...and he said he believes its just sex...he told me he wasnt planning on being around much longer, he wanted to move closer to where he works...about an hour from where he lives...and he lives a half an hour from me. but he just didnt want to get to serious. we talked almost everyday and got to gether a couple more times....THEN....earlier this week he told me he was packing up his car to move!!!! wtf...i didnt know this...so the next night he asked if i would like to go to his new place and and spend the night.....??? soooo i am totally lost and have no idea what this guy wants...i dont think he knows what he wants...i kinda think the fact that i have a kid kinda freaks him out a little...but i think that the fact that he invited me to spend his first night in his new place with him is kinda a good sign...right??? idk im lost...i think i need counsling or something lol. ugh my life is crazy!!! but im kinda having fun with it...i just wish i knew what was going on.

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