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Male friend, is there something more?

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Last time I saw my friend was nearly 8 yrs ago, when i was married. We'd had a 1 night stand with each other a few yrs before & I've always had feelings for him.


We were out with some of his pals for a drinking session downtown. He was quite drunk at this point. I'd only had 1. A guy came over & asked if we were married. My friend said no, but he likes me a lot & I like him. (This is true). For the rest of the evening we flirted with each other & had a passionate, but gentle (you know what i mean) goodnight kiss.


Bearing in mind he's had about 8 pints by this point & i was stone cold sober, what do you think this means? Is he into me? It's doing my head in. I daren't phone or txt him in case i seem desperate (which i am)


Advice please



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You know what alchohol does though. I was at a party and this lady ended up having some guy she just met that night sleeping on top of her in embrace. Just was casual and they ended up showing effection for each other, but not kissing.


Alchohol shuts down all but the primitive parts of the brain when your drunk, so thats why people seek out a mate or fight when they are drunk. It also releases the subconciouss thoughts maybe. I won't ever drink, cause I see that it is not the same person as when they are sober, so there is like no carry over of feelings either way.


I dunno, but after having a one night stand with your friend, you should have known there was a possibility for this. Just pursue it as you like.

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