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To A from CC

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Glad you feel we can talk - its helpful just to let it out isn't it? It hard to let go of the guilt of feeling this way but then you get so pissed and want to shake your husband and say "you idiot!! Look at what you are missing out on - look what you could have!!" Sometimes you feel selfish and sometimes you don't think of yourself enough. How old are your kids? are they little? Its hard to know what is the best thing to do where they are concerned too.


I have to go now -sorry I don't have time to get into things more tonight but i hope to hear from you again. Hang in there.

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God, after I read your message, i just broke down in tears..that is exactly what I want to do to him, I know he sees that I am unhappy, and I know he loves me..but is he so damn stupid that he doesnt care? I mean, not to brag at all, but I am an attractive and intelligent woman, and when we met (in college) I had other guys who were interested in me, but more than likely they were either too nice, or too kind, or not as cute as I would have liked, so I chose the "hard-to-get" route instead...and look where I ended up.


My kids are little, 2 1/2 and almost 4, and they absolutely adore their daddy...so that right there just breaks my heart. There is nothing I wouldnt do for them, and if it means staying for their sake, believe me, I will.


I am just so terribly confused, and so many thoughts running through my head right now...I don't know which direction to turn. I barely eat anymore, I barely sleep, and I feel like I am becoming completely ineffective as a parent..I find myself gettin angry with the kids for something minor, when it's really my husband I am angry with.


Well, enough about me...tell me more about what is going on with your situation. How old are your children? How old are you and your husband? If you like, you can email me at <e-mail address removed>. Thanks for listening...



Glad you feel we can talk - its helpful just to let it out isn't it? It hard to let go of the guilt of feeling this way but then you get so pissed and want to shake your husband and say "you idiot!! Look at what you are missing out on - look what you could have!!" Sometimes you feel selfish and sometimes you don't think of yourself enough. How old are your kids? are they little? Its hard to know what is the best thing to do where they are concerned too. I have to go now -sorry I don't have time to get into things more tonight but i hope to hear from you again. Hang in there.
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I just wanted to make a brief comment. I myself went through the same thing. I have two young kids. They adore their daddy also. But they absolutely love me and they, even being young, were very perceptive that mommy wasn't happy. And just like you, I also started taking it out on my children. It has been almost two years since my divorce. My kids are doing excellent, they see their father quite frequently and he and I are now happy. Separately. Don't get me wrong, at the beginning it was Hell but it was well worth getting myself, my kids and even my ex-husbands' mental well-being to a healthy level. Look at the long-term results of everything going on and that is where you will find the right choice to make. I hope you find your true happiness.

God, after I read your message, i just broke down in tears..that is exactly what I want to do to him, I know he sees that I am unhappy, and I know he loves me..but is he so damn stupid that he doesnt care? I mean, not to brag at all, but I am an attractive and intelligent woman, and when we met (in college) I had other guys who were interested in me, but more than likely they were either too nice, or too kind, or not as cute as I would have liked, so I chose the "hard-to-get" route instead...and look where I ended up. My kids are little, 2 1/2 and almost 4, and they absolutely adore their daddy...so that right there just breaks my heart. There is nothing I wouldnt do for them, and if it means staying for their sake, believe me, I will. I am just so terribly confused, and so many thoughts running through my head right now...I don't know which direction to turn. I barely eat anymore, I barely sleep, and I feel like I am becoming completely ineffective as a parent..I find myself gettin angry with the kids for something minor, when it's really my husband I am angry with. Well, enough about me...tell me more about what is going on with your situation. How old are your children? How old are you and your husband? If you like, you can email me at <e-mail address removed>. Thanks for listening... A
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