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who should I choose?

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About 2 years ago I was playing basketball, at this court in my moms co-op.(I was just visiting my mom which I did everyother weekend. I lived with my Dad approximently 30 minutes away.) Then this girl ran up to me and gave me a note which read somethin to the effect of:

Hi, my name is Ashley...my phone # is ****** call me.


Well me being the genuinly nice person I was couldn't "leave her hangin" and so I called her. Well when I visited my moms' the next time me and Ashley got together and went bowling. We had a great time. Well slowly we fell in love and 3 months after meeting her for the very first time I asked her out. She said yes....


Things were perfect between me and her. 3 motnhs after asking her out, however, I lost my head and I cheated on her. We broke up only to go back out again about a month later.


The next 9 months went by flawlessly. We had the time of our life's together. Everything seemed right...and school just ended. So I decided to stay with my mom over the summer. Well I ended up moving in with my mom to start high school. Everything seemed right between me and Ashley.


When school started things started getting rough. We started fighting alot and eventually after breaking up and going back out several times we decided to permanetly end the relationship.




One day I was eating lunch alone in the cafeteria and my friend asked me to come eat at her table with her. That's when I seen her(amanda) for the first time. An angel and I knew the very moment I liked her she was more than just a friend. Well we hit it off immedietly when I started talking to her and we found out that I was best friends with her cousin.


Pretty soon we both confessed our feelings and we started going out, but not really going out officially. What I mean by that is we were more than just friends but we were not a couple. Well my ex threatened to kill her and keeps on harrassing her. So Amanda keeps getting mad at me and recently we kind of ended things.


I want to work things out with Amanda but she seems so stubborn. Besides here's the kicker....just a few weeks ago I started having feelings for my ex again. Now I am beginning to miss her more than ever.


I am so stuck because I am in love with Amanda. She is great, but I remember all the good times I had with Ashley and I want those back. Anybody have some insights?




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Insight No. 1

Ya gotta choose. This is not just for now or just for Ashley or Amanda (or any of the other 'A's that will come along), it's for later too (when you're older and working your way through to the 'W's or the even the Y's) Whether it's a choice between Yasmin and Yolanda or Wendy or Wonda don't let anyone tell you you can have them both.. make your choice. This will save you years of heartache later, so remember this.


Insight No. 2

Girls always look great from behind. When you break up your ex always magically looks better as she's walking away and you often feel a measure of regret, that's why you gotta think hard before you split up because getting back together is a bit like putting an egg back in its shell, may be possible but guaranteed to be messy.


Insight No. 3

Learn to recognize class or at least the lack of it in people. Harrassing and threatening to kill people is not class it's physco, something that in a male or female you might like to avoid if at all possible.


Insight No. 4

No one can make decisions of the heart for you, that's something you have to take responsibility for yourself. Whether it's brave and sassy (and somewhat scary) Ashley or Angel face Amanda with the stubborn streak, you're call.






Oh and last but you better believe not least...

Insight No. 5.

Never cheat - it's cheap. And if you do only the cheap will want ya - sassy angels will kick your sorry but to kingdom come!

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