Beckylynne Posted September 28, 2007 Share Posted September 28, 2007 Hi all... So... I've been dating a guy for a year and a half. We met while we were both living in the same city. I was doing my undergrad, he had already finished and was working. I went home last summer to spend the summer working and with my family. He was so sweet and did so many things to keep our love strong. I wasn't as serious as he was and at the end of the summer we nearly broke up because I was not at the same level as him. We patched things up and moved in with each other. We got used to seeign each other every day. I finished my school and he was ready to move on so we started planning our next steps. We bounced around ideas and were both ready to follow one an other but then oppertunities in opposite directions came up. I got offered a job teaching in ASIA and he got a spot in a very hard to get into Master's program. We decided to accept both our opportunities and he proposed right before we parted!!! I said yes! I'm loving my life in Asia. I'm getting well aquainted with peope here and really enjoying my experience and he's getting along great where he is. The only problem is he's super busy with his program and tells me that over and over! I get it! It's not the time thing I'm insecure about... I understand he definetely doesn't have even enough time to finish his school assignments! And I know that he's getting further in life and so am I and when we reunite once we're done it'll be great... But I'm starting to becoming slightly insane. I just feel like when we talk on the phone he's distant... I feel like maybe he doesn't want to be with me anymore... I feel like I'm in the way! Does anyone else feel like this?? ouff... LDRs are so hard!!!! Link to post Share on other sites
mylovegrowsdeeper Posted September 30, 2007 Share Posted September 30, 2007 YES!! I think I know EXACTLY how you feel!! My love and I are far apart for the time being. We're both VERY busy and moving towards a great future. I do enjoy my life outside of him but that doesn't mean I don't want time with him too! Mostly I realize it's ME that thinks he's being distant rather than he really is. Distance is a hard thing, and when you spend a week or two in a row talking to eachother daily but just barely it can start to feel that way. Kind of neglected or lack of interest or lonliness in general. It isn't easy being in love with someone who is so far away and you're both trying to balance your lives at the same time on top of that. Some days you will just feel terribly lonely and that will be that but mostly you have to give yourself pep talks. Remind yourself of warm things about him and of the grand plan: to REUNITE. Usually I write him letters when I feel that way, hell I almost break down everytime too.Just writing sweet, honest letters about my care for him.Anyway, you're not insane or alone- LDR is just HARD. I'm here for you girl!! Link to post Share on other sites
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