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I've been seeing this woman on and off for the past 8 years. She moved back to her hometown in Tennessee a few years ago so our relationship has been mostly long distance since then. Last month, I decided to take a trip to Las Vegas and I asked her if she wanted to meet me there. She said yes so I purchased her ticket. During her flight to Vegas, she accepted several drinks from a man who told her he was a yacht salesman. He showed her pictures of his own yacht and of his home. The plane was almost empty according to her so there was no reason for her to have to sit next to him but apparently she did. Well, at the end of the flight he gave her his card. He then told her that while she could get a hold of him, he had no way of getting a hold of her. She told me she just ignored his comment. Later on the evening, I got very angry at her for disappearing on me for an hour. She came back to the room high and very drunk. I looked at her phone and saw that there was a Sacramento number and thought that was strange but didn't think anything of it. Then later I thought about it again and decided to take a look at the card. Sure enough, that guy had called her. It was an incoming call.

The disappearance was another story that just ruined my trip. She had been playing craps at a table next to this one guy all night long. I was playing the slots and occasionally coming by to see how she was doing. Around midnight, I went to look for her. Both her and the guy she was standing next to were gone. I looked all over the casino several times before calling her. The phone rang but she never picked up. After the second time I called her, the phone started going straight to voicemail. I went back to the room, then back down to the casino, then back to the room. I decided to go back downstairs one more time. I happened to see the guy she had been standing next to and he was coming from the elevators. I approached him and before I could say anything he told me she had gone back to the room. He looked really high. At that moment, I got a call from her. She said she was looking for the room. When we finally met up back at the room, she told me she had gone to this guys room to smoke a joint with him and a friend of his. I never saw the friend she was talking about but it was possible. She told me she only took two hits yet she was gone over an hour. I know she turned off her phone after I called her the second time. I suspect that she went up there and had sex with him. This woman wants me to marry her but I know that life with her would be hell if I did. I guess I want to know if I'm just being overly jealous or if I am justified in feeling like she cheated on me. I don't know that she actually had sex with the guy but just the fact that she went to his room makes me feel like I need to end this. By the way, she said that the guy was gay. Earlier in the night she told me he had hit on her while she was standing next to him. I would appreciate anyone's objective opinion.

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You have the opportunity to get out, so I would strongly suggest you take it. It would be far better now to cut your losses, than to marry and be forced into larger losses when you end up divorcing.

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Yes you are more than justified! 1. She does drugs and 2. She seems to require alot of attention from other guys!


That is an insanely bad combo. If she is willing to use these guys to get drugs... she is willing to use you also. If you marry her... you are a fool!

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Do you really need to have a piano fall on your head to see what is happening. She is totally playing you. More than likely she had unprotected sex with this guy. It does not take an hour to have two hits. She totally humiliated and disrespected you. She played you for a complete fool. You would have to be out of your mind to put up with such crap from her. I would certainly get checked for STD's if I were you. Why would you ever put up with something like this?

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Where there's smoke, there's fire. No pun intended.


Any person, male or female, who wants to keep their partner comfortable doesn't do things like she's done.




Sounds like she has no respect for you or the relationship.

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