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To The BS's - Don't Blame The OW

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I think the lady protests too much...:p


And I guess the definition was for Jinnah since she likes to look words up...You should thank lm2ns, Jinnah, for saving you the time!


Actually, it's just soooo much fun having a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent! :lmao:


Again, have fun thinking of what your MM is doing with his wife while you're alone at night. :cool:

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Okay here's the thing - do you know my full story? No.


So whatever I say, you will turn it around just like you all always do so there is clearly no point for me to tell my stories here.


I know what I want - I have gotten all that I have wanted - be it education, modeling career, financial stability and so on. With that said, I want the guy that makes me happy and right now, he's doing a whole lot more than any of MM out there who isn't doing anything - at all.


...you didn't answer the question...


I'm not here to turn things around on you. I just wish you would realize what you are missing.

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That's so sweet of you to build up Jinnah's vocabulary lm2ns!


Too bad you're off topic!


...and now you are beating the joke to death...

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What do I have to do to get you people to pat attention to ME!!


Do I have to come in air surfing on a big cock spewing foam all over LS?!!



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...Again, have fun thinking of what your MM is doing with his wife while you're alone at night. :cool:


That's exactly what I don't get... don't they want to be the one he goes home to?

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Actually, it's just soooo much fun having a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent! :lmao:


Again, have fun thinking of what your MM is doing with his wife while you're alone at night. :cool:


*tsk, tsk, tsk*


You really have no idea...So I'll leave it that way!


You can't have a battle of wits, when you don't have any!:rolleyes:


Have a nice day! :p

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Okay, good. So if you know all this, why don't you want a guy who will be with you and only you? Do you want that? Honestly. No jokes... no rude comments... do you want a faithful person where you are their only one?


I want that, yes and that is happening.

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What do I have to do to get you people to pat attention to ME!!


Do I have to come in air surfing on a big **** spewing foam all over LS?!!




What's your question again? I tend to ignore the vulgar.

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What do I have to do to get you people to pat attention to ME!!


Do I have to come in air surfing on a big cock spewing foam all over LS?!!




Actually, the new avatar has already done the trick.


Someone should have warned you to stay away from those nasty boys in the Blue Man group...



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Like I said, you don't know my story. Honestly, people like you make OW/OM hold back from telling their stories that could actually be useful to some people, believe it or not.


I didn't come here to get all the nasty remarks I have gotten. I didn't know I had a nasty side until I came to LS and read all the posts from people who have nothing better to do than put down OW/OM.

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I'm trying to be understanding, but I will not say anything further to you without knowing your story so I won't be jumping to conclusions about your situation. If you change your mind, I will listen and not attack you, but understand people on here should be able to disagree and give constructive criticism, or the advice won't do you any good.

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Uhm... then you're not an OW in the first place?

That's what this thread is for, right? Maybe he's just involved elsewhere but not married, which sucks but isn't quite as bad.

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Isn't a MM anymore makes him a divorcee but I met him when he was married to his W so that made me the OW although things haven't been great between them for more than 3 years... oh no - I met him much later after that, so it wasn't my fault that their M didn't go well but then again, people are still going to say it is my fault and their favourite Q is "how do you know their M isn't going well????" yada yada yada....

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Isn't a MM anymore makes him a divorcee but I met him when he was married to his W so that made me the OW although things haven't been great between them for more than 3 years... oh no - I met him much later after that, so it wasn't my fault that their M didn't go well but then again, people are still going to say it is my fault and their favourite Q is "how do you know their M isn't going well????" yada yada yada....

Well, did they live together when you met? Or is that another of the questions you hate??

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What's your question again? I tend to ignore the vulgar.


Let's Vogue fight!:cool:

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Ah, the work day is almost over. I'll be heading south on the freeway with my sweet guy who works only a block away towards the home we now share. Just the two of us. Share the commute, share our home, share our finances, share our hopes and dreams. THAT is what you gals are missing. You do deserve better. Look for that something better.

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Impudent Oyster
Okay here's the thing - do you know my full story? No.


So whatever I say, you will turn it around just like you all always do so there is clearly no point for me to tell my stories here.


I know what I want - I have gotten all that I have wanted - be it education, modeling career, financial stability and so on. With that said, I want the guy that makes me happy and right now, he's doing a whole lot more than any of MM out there who isn't doing anything - at all.


So your only options are men who are married? Why do you suppose that is?

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Can someone please tell me what "BS" stands for. I've been trying to figure it out and can't...

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