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To The BS's - Don't Blame The OW

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Absolutely. Hence, when my ex boyfriend (no, never a BS here) was in the beginning stages of sneaking about behind my back, I gave him the boot. Now I'm with a REAL man; one who doesn't believe in cheating; one who would do anything for me, but also wouldn't take any crap off me if I were that type. He said to me once, "It's like you're the female me." So cute!


My point!


If you dont like what someone gives you... demand more. If you accept it... you deserve it.


To the point of the thread. Who do we blame... the drug dealer or the addict? Is there not a certain level of culpability for both?

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It's hard to have a good debate on this forum... If I was a BS and I just couldn't stand an OW... I would stay away from this forum... because when the bashing starts... it's hard for the BS to hear that their husband like to f*ck another woman, that he gets her nice gifts, money, etc... that she puts sexy lingerie just for him... that they spend a lot of time together...that he fantasizes about her, thinks about her when he makes love to his W... or when he drives to and back from work...


The BS hates to hear that her husband might be cheating as we 'post'... that he will, most likely, cheat on her one day.


If I was a BS ... I would definitely stay away from this forum... but this is just me.


I respect the BS who are respectful to the OW... some are...and they know who they are and I will never be rude or ignorant to them... we are civilized and we sure can have intelligent, mature discussions.


As Kasan said.. we can all learn from one another.


wow wow wow did that make you feel good? Do you feel superior? How silly. Look at you like a little school girl bully saying naneenannebooboo I slept with someone elses husband.


Honey it is nothing to be proud of.:sick:

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Lizzie, hopefully you'll find a real man one day, and no woman tries to steal him from you... even though you have hurt another woman this way, I don't wish it on anyone.

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wow wow wow did that make you feel good? Do you feel superior? How silly. Look at you like a little school girl bully saying naneenannebooboo I slept with someone elses husband.


Honey it is nothing to be proud of.:sick:



Yeah, her post was so disgusting, I blocked it out until you brought it up again. LOL

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Does this post have any purpose besides back and forth hair pulling...really this is sad, I think the last 5 pages have not given one opinion of the situation, just opinions on eachother.... I believe right now, there are 4 or 5 OW on this thread, all the rest BS.....

Can't we all just get along????

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wow wow wow did that make you feel good? Do you feel superior? How silly. Look at you like a little school girl bully saying naneenannebooboo I slept with someone elses husband.


Honey it is nothing to be proud of.:sick:



Your post exactly my point. Just stay away... period... simple..

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Does this post have any purpose besides back and forth hair pulling...really this is sad, I think the last 5 pages have not given one opinion of the situation, just opinions on eachother.... I believe right now, there are 4 or 5 OW on this thread, all the rest BS.....

Can't we all just get along????



I understand your point, but I just can't sweep pure evil under the rug and ignore it. I do think that this thread isn't really doing any good anymore, either... for a while I thought we were getting somewhere, but then it stopped.

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I understand your point, but I just can't sweep pure evil under the rug and ignore it. I do think that this thread isn't really doing any good anymore, either... for a while I thought we were getting somewhere, but then it stopped.


it stopped... Humm .. I wonder why? ;)

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Your post exactly my point. Just stay away... period... simple..



Stay away from you? Gladly.


I am shuddering from the things that come out of your mouth, Lizzie. You really need to think about this. Even if you never admit it, think about what everyone on here is trying to tell you.

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That doesn't excuse him for not just ending it with her instead of cheating.


I must of missed something.... cause the way I read it.... he did end it with her???

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but you can count them on one hand...


Actually, in my own personal experience, I can only count them on one finger. Then again, my friend may have been fibbing to me since I was more of a friend and confidant to his wife.


There are a few guys on the forum who say they haven’t. And I can see no reason they’d have to lie to a bunch of anonymous strangers online. Or maybe I’m just more gullible than I’d like to think, too.


But I agree, that both male and females who haven’t experienced an affair seem to be in the minority. And I’ve never minded being an “odd-ball,” myself.


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I must of missed something.... cause the way I read it.... he did end it with her???

... but after he had already cheated from what I gathered.

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Stay away from you? Gladly.


I am shuddering from the things that come out of your mouth, Lizzie. You really need to think about this. Even if you never admit it, think about what everyone on here is trying to tell you.


I'm not sure WHO's the one who didn't get it... Re-read my post..


Geez man!... do we have to draw you what we mean every time we post?


I think the OW on this board are trying to tell YOU something...

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I'm not sure WHO's the one who didn't get it... Re-read my post..


Geez man!... do we have to draw you what we mean every time we post?


I think the OW on this board are trying to tell YOU something...


... that they have so little self-esteem or morals that they will share anyone's man including a husband, that they are fine with being second best, they don't care if they hurt you or not, etc...



Why are you so stuck on trying to prove how smart you think you are? It's backfiring.

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... but after he had already cheated from what I gathered.


The important factors were in play. Seperated... with the decision in mind to not go back. Are we to dither about paperwork?


She took a risk with him... it's payed off so far.

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... that they have so little self-esteem or morals that they will share anyone's man including a husband, that they are fine with being second best, they don't care if they hurt you or not, etc...



Why are you so stuck on trying to prove how smart you think you are? It's backfiring.


Jinnah.. I'm done with arguing with you...

I have no patience anymore for this type of debate... :rolleyes:

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The important factors were in play. Seperated... with the decision in mind to not go back. Are we to dither about paperwork?


She took a risk with him... it's payed off so far.



I do not know the details. If he was moved out and the wife actually knew they were separated, and just waiting on the papers to become final, then that is a little better (not religiously but socially)... otherwise it really sucks for the wife.

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To the point of the thread. Who do we blame... the drug dealer or the addict? Is there not a certain level of culpability for both?


In all this bickering back and forth you've missed my point :(.


So you've force me to quote myself for the first time ever!!!! :mad:

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In all this bickering back and forth you've missed my point :(.


So you've force me to quote myself for the first time ever!!!! :mad:


This is exactly what I meant in my previous post to her... you have to make a drawing... :laugh:

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It's hard to have a good debate on this forum... If I was a BS and I just couldn't stand an OW... I would stay away from this forum... because when the bashing starts... it's hard for the BS to hear that their husband like to f*ck another woman, that he gets her nice gifts, money, etc... that she puts sexy lingerie just for him... that they spend a lot of time together...that he fantasizes about her, thinks about her when he makes love to his W... or when he drives to and back from work...


The BS hates to hear that her husband might be cheating as we 'post'... that he will, most likely, cheat on her one day.


If I was a BS ... I would definitely stay away from this forum... but this is just me.


I respect the BS who are respectful to the OW... some are...and they know who they are and I will never be rude or ignorant to them... we are civilized and we sure can have intelligent, mature discussions.


As Kasan said.. we can all learn from one another.


These are my thoughts on the whole subject....I have been married a very long time.


I have never cheated on my husband, and I believe that he has never cheated on me.


But.....if I found out that he had, his azz would be out the door in a heartbeat. No, honey I am sorry, I'll go to counseling, etc.!!!! Cheating is a deal breaker for me.


So, if he had an OW, of course I would take half of the responsibility for his straying and I would assign the other half of the responsibility to him. It would be obvious to me that I didn't have what it takes to keep this man happy for whatever reason.


The OW is to me a symptom of a marriage that definitely is in trouble. How could I blame her?


Us "marrieds" can learn from you OWs what we often forget in everyday life. You help me to remember that I was a sexual being long before I became a mother and wife. I am sure my husband appreciates this.


You OWs can learn from us--just how hard it is to keep a marriage alive even when the kid is throwing up at 2 in the morning, we can teach you all about commitment.


I can empathize with you when your relationship with your married man doesn't work out, just like I hope you could empathize with me if my marriage was dissolve.


We all share the same human experience.


All of us are guilty of doing things that are morally incorrect (whether we cheat, steal, drink, do drugs) at one time or another. Is it right that we judge, insult each other in the name of being right?


Maybe we should just focus on being happy.:)

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I do not know the details. If he was moved out and the wife actually knew they were separated, and just waiting on the papers to become final, then that is a little better (not religiously but socially)... otherwise it really sucks for the wife.


Religously? God made marriage long before the government made certificates and tax breaks.


I suppose it depends on your belief structure though.

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Religously? God made marriage long before the government made certificates and tax breaks.


I suppose it depends on your belief structure though.



I just said that for the people who don't believe in religion. I think it is wrong period, but I am religious.


The situation was not okay religiously, but in today's society, that is probably considered okay socially.


Sorry for the communication error.

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