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does she like me?

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:bunny: Well to put is simple there is this girl who I've known for about a month throught my friend who are cousins; same age as me and same grade:18yr old/12th grade, and i really really like her. She is funny, cute, smart, laughs a lote... probably to good for me, i just might be a little to modest if thats the right word. It's just that i kinda freeze up when it comes to conversations. i think she likes me but i cant tell, shes slept on my chest when we where watching TV at her house when i was over the past 2 times; she even said yes when i asked her to homecoming but when we talk i kind of feel as though I'm not saying the right things and i don't want to scare her off i don't know if I'm trying to make her smile to much or what :(. Am i being paranoid , what should i do...


please help if you have any advice at all

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