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Should I just get over it?

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I have already discussed this incident with my SO and we have gotten past it but every now and then it still bothers me...I know I should just not think about it but that is sometimes easier said than done!


Here goes: I have a wonderful SO whom I've lived with for about 1 and 1/2 years...we have the usual day to day problems but always discuss things openly and honestly!


When my So's friend comes into town (once 0r twice a year!) they always go out for a night on the town...ends up being a night of harmless fun...this time it occurred on the same night as my SO's office party (free liquor starting around 4:30 in the day!) Anyway, to make a long story shorter, myself and my friend were going to possibly meet them later that night...when we arrived at the club I found my SO slow dancing with a young girl from the gym he attends...I waited for them to be finished because he never saw me standing there (too, too drunk!!!)...I tried to remain calm but never really succeeded because he was too drunk to communicate with...I asked about the young girl and mentioned that he hadn't even noticed I was standing a few feet away...he told me he had danced with her a few times in a row and then just asked if she wanted to dance again!(the slow one where I came in)...no big deal he says!!!


...she knew he had a girlfriend and that I was probably going to show up...but it still bothered me...a night that he proclaims is nothing more than getting silly with his buddy drinking, chatting and probably ending up at the end of the bar with their arms around each other was not what I saw!


To make matters worse, he told me the next day that she has liked him for a few years (since before we met)...he told me this because it was to show that he wasn't interested in her when he was single and that he certainly isn't now!


...I think it might have shown her that he was interested enough (to continue dancing with her and when leaving the floor to ask her to dance to a slow dance...I would think the person was somewhat interested in me!?!)


He has apologized for the drinking getting so out of hand (him and his friend were getting sick all the next day) and for embarassing me and making me feel sad...he agrees that it was a lack of good judgement but harmless nonetheless!!!


What do any of you think...just get over it and move on!?!...he says (jokingly) that the next time his friend comes to town he is going to take him bowling!!!


Sorry so long!!



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This sounds pretty straightforward to me. He said that he isn't and was never interested in this girl and apologized for acting inappropriately while drunk (and it was inappropriate, I agree with you). So, what should you be anxious about? If you catch him chatting her up or see signs that his interests are vested elsewhere, totally call him on it. Otherwise, relax. He sounds committed to me.

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