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pregnancy test?

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well me and my close friend tony where very drunk last night and began messing around like crazy... i have a feeling it may have went to far and i need to know if there is anything that can help determine if i would be pregnant or not NOW!

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which pregnancy test is the most accurate and quick to know? i am so worried right now

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Good luck, Ninegirl!


This reminds me of 'Knocked Up' - funny movie but I love it. Made me want to have kids even more but not in that way.

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No home pregnancy test will pick up the pregnancy hormone this early. Even a blood test won't pick up the hormone this early. You will have to wait for at least a week or so for a blood test, somewhere around two for a home pregnancy test.

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not sure of your beliefs on the matter, but you can take the morning after pill. unless you want to be pregnant? if you choose to take it though, you need to get it ASAP

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Do you know that you can take the morning after pill up to 3 days after unprotected sex? It kills off the sperm before an egg can be fertilized. Problem is the longer you leave it the more chance there is that an egg has been fertilized. Not sure where you're from but in the uk you can buy the morning after pill for about £20 from a pharmacist or get it from your GP or get it free from a walk-in centre. good luck.

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Do you know that you can take the morning after pill up to 3 days after unprotected sex?

I'm surprised nobody else mentioned this sooner! Don't mess around waiting for a pregnancy test to work. That's gonna take weeks.

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Do you know that you can take the morning after pill up to 3 days after unprotected sex? It kills off the sperm before an egg can be fertilized. Problem is the longer you leave it the more chance there is that an egg has been fertilized. Not sure where you're from but in the uk you can buy the morning after pill for about £20 from a pharmacist or get it from your GP or get it free from a walk-in centre. good luck.


It doesn't kill the sperm, it prevents the fertilized egg from implanting, I believe... hence the nickname "the abortion pill".

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not sure of your beliefs on the matter, but you can take the morning after pill. unless you want to be pregnant? if you choose to take it though, you need to get it ASAP


If you want to head off an unwanted pregnancy, go to a pharmacy and ask for "Plan B". You don't need a prescription if you are 18 or over. It needs to be taken within 3 days of sex. The sooner you take it, the more likely it is to work.


If you want more info about the product, just google "Plan B" to see the website.


Please be more careful next time. Good Luck.

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It doesn't kill the sperm, it prevents the fertilized egg from implanting, I believe... hence the nickname "the abortion pill".


ooh, didnt know that i was just told it killed off the sperm... probably by a friend so yeah it's probably wrong

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aghhh i have been so caught up with things these 2 days that i havent got to any of that....ok im juss ganna wait it out see if my period comes...if not then????W@?E?W??@???@?


after 3 weeks i dont get it..pregancy test here i come!

wow i will kill myself if nething...I CAN NEVER TELL A LIVING SOUL...

plzzz wish me luck this month:eek:

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wow i will kill myself if nething...I CAN NEVER TELL A LIVING SOUL...

plzzz wish me luck this month:eek:


There are people you can talk to. Never think that you are completely alone in this. I remember thinking that if I were pregnant, I would kill myself. I would bet that more than a few frightened young women have thought the same thing. The mind plays some funny tricks on you when you feel like you are being backed into a corner. If you honestly feel that you have no one else, then log on here and post. Take things as they come. If you find that you are pregnant, then you can go from there.

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is the ru486 reliable,... and can u buy that in a drug store?

Ive heard of it but not in depth:bunny:

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is the ru486 reliable,... and can u buy that in a drug store?

Ive heard of it but not in depth:bunny:


RU486 is a steroid, and it's used as a non-surgical abortion method. You can only get RU486 from a doctor, and they administer it in their clinic. I believe it's a two step process - you have to come back a couple of days later for a second dose.


Plan B is the 'morning after pill' and you can get that in a drugstore if you're over 18.

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ooh, didnt know that i was just told it killed off the sperm... probably by a friend so yeah it's probably wrong


LOL, that's funny.:D

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LOL, that's funny.:D


hehe, i know, bit bad that isnt it i've been dishing out the wrong bloody info to people lol all this time i thought it was like a sperminator pill (hehe see what i did there) lol such a geek

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Plan B is the 'morning after pill' and you can get that in a drugstore if you're over 18.

Unless you have religious concerns, I would do the morning after pill. Why wait?

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hehe, i know, bit bad that isnt it i've been dishing out the wrong bloody info to people lol all this time i thought it was like a sperminator pill (hehe see what i did there) lol such a geek


You're funny. Lot's of people think that, so don't feel bad.


I think the closest thing to a "sperminator pill" is... uh, what is that stuff called... spermicide. I think your name is much better... they should change it.

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Unless you have religious concerns, I would do the morning after pill. Why wait?


It's too late. It's only effective up to 72 hours after sex, and the closer to the 'morning after' the more effective it is.

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It's too late. It's only effective up to 72 hours after sex, and the closer to the 'morning after' the more effective it is.

Gotcha'. I didn't notice the date of the opening post.

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There is a method that my ex-wife and I employed in which the doctor had her take 5 birth control pills at the same time. I don't know what the term for the method is, but it is the same effect as the morning after pill, and can cause less sickness for some. Just throwing that out there.

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There is a method that my ex-wife and I employed in which the doctor had her take 5 birth control pills at the same time. I don't know what the term for the method is, but it is the same effect as the morning after pill, and can cause less sickness for some. Just throwing that out there.


It causes the same amount of sickness. They're essentially the very same thing - either a very large dose of progestin-only, or a very large dose of a combination of progestin and estrogen, which is the same thing that BC pills are made of.

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It doesn't kill the sperm, it prevents the fertilized egg from implanting, I believe... hence the nickname "the abortion pill".


Oh come on! :mad::mad::mad:

There is a pill that causes a woman to miscarry that is used for abortions the morning after pill prevents a pregnancy! The OP here sounds like just a kid how about posting things that may be helpful not pushing your Christian beliefs. This kind of crap makes me so angry.

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