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Ok. This is really weird...


I've been with this one guy for almost 8 months, since last summer. When I first met him he was a heavy drinker even though he's a small guy, but I don't drink. He drank so much I though he had a problem. He has really slowed down since hes's been with me since I encourage him to be clean.


Anyways, a few times (3), not enough to be habitual, but enough to make me wonder, he's wet the bed. Only after he's gotten passed-out drunk to the point where he didn't notice he'd done it, so I had to get up and roll his limp body over to clean up the mess. So he never knows what he did until the next day when he wakes up with a hangover to a pile of wet sheets and me telling him what I had to go through.


Now, I used to be an alcoholic, which is why I don't drink a drop of alcohol any more. I used to hang out with my drinking friends and get plastered just like he does now. But I never heard of anything like this. Does he have a problem? He always gets really depressed and embarrassed about it. Once he even tried to break up with me because he was so ashamed, but I told him I didn't mind as long as he tried not to drink so much because I love him.

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Ok. This is really weird... I've been with this one guy for almost 8 months, since last summer. When I first met him he was a heavy drinker even though he's a small guy, but I don't drink. He drank so much I though he had a problem. He has really slowed down since hes's been with me since I encourage him to be clean. Anyways, a few times (3), not enough to be habitual, but enough to make me wonder, he's wet the bed. Only after he's gotten passed-out drunk to the point where he didn't notice he'd done it, so I had to get up and roll his limp body over to clean up the mess. So he never knows what he did until the next day when he wakes up with a hangover to a pile of wet sheets and me telling him what I had to go through. Now, I used to be an alcoholic, which is why I don't drink a drop of alcohol any more. I used to hang out with my drinking friends and get plastered just like he does now. But I never heard of anything like this. Does he have a problem? He always gets really depressed and embarrassed about it. Once he even tried to break up with me because he was so ashamed, but I told him I didn't mind as long as he tried not to drink so much because I love him.


The real issue here is his drinking. If he can stop drinking, the bed-wetting should too. It's not common, but not unusual for a man who is passed out to do that. Most men would not admit to that, so that's probably why you've not heard it before. You have already dealt with your alcoholism, so you know he will have to be the one to decide to stop. Cutting down is not the answer. As far as waking up in "the swamp", just don't sleep in the same bed if he's been drinking. If he doesn't have accidents when he's sober, then he probably doesn't have a bladder problem.

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Frankly, I think your problem is bigger than a wet bed. If you have successfully conquered your own alcohol problem why on earth would you want to subject yourself to an individual who obviously has a problem of his own. This has not been a one time occurance according to your message and in my opinion, anyone who gets so drunk that he does not have the ability to get up and use a toilet has a serious problem. Advise him to get some help and give yourself as an example of the fact that you can overcome the problem but I would steer clear of this relationship until he sobers up because until you do you will be constantly dragged back into that world of dependancy. If you're not drinking now - you have proven that your better than that - but for how long. I wish you luck.

Ok. This is really weird... I've been with this one guy for almost 8 months, since last summer. When I first met him he was a heavy drinker even though he's a small guy, but I don't drink. He drank so much I though he had a problem. He has really slowed down since hes's been with me since I encourage him to be clean. Anyways, a few times (3), not enough to be habitual, but enough to make me wonder, he's wet the bed. Only after he's gotten passed-out drunk to the point where he didn't notice he'd done it, so I had to get up and roll his limp body over to clean up the mess. So he never knows what he did until the next day when he wakes up with a hangover to a pile of wet sheets and me telling him what I had to go through. Now, I used to be an alcoholic, which is why I don't drink a drop of alcohol any more. I used to hang out with my drinking friends and get plastered just like he does now. But I never heard of anything like this. Does he have a problem? He always gets really depressed and embarrassed about it. Once he even tried to break up with me because he was so ashamed, but I told him I didn't mind as long as he tried not to drink so much because I love him.
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