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ok i have been with my bf for a year now and when we were 6 months i found out that he cheated on me (everything but sex) when we had first started going out but i was very upset but didn't break up with him bc we had only been dateing a couple of weeks when he did this and it was 5 months ago and idk i believed him when he said he wouldn't do it again bc he didn't love me then and he does now well... like two month later he called me crying and said he needed to tell me something and he cheated on me again he said he was drunk and had taken zanaxys (sp???) and kissed her felt her and they were going to have sex but he couldn't (he said he felt bad bc of me so didn't have sex but i bet he just couldn't get it up) but anyways so he was crying and saying he was sorry but i broke up with him but after a couple of weeks of him calling and crying and saying that he would never do it again and that he loves me and he knows that he messed up and doesn't want to be with anyone else blah blah... so i took him back and we have been together for like 4 months since then and my question is do you think im stupid for takeing him back he hasn't cheated again but do you think its possible that he wont do it again i mean i trust him but yeah i don't so idk??? i guess i just want to know if im stupid

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not sure how you could be comfortable and trusting with him at this point. Did you consider maybe saying you still want to see him but think you should both see other people for now, and see where it goes?

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So, he cheated twice already and you've taken him back both times after finding out about the cheating.


You've pretty much set up a pattern...he can be reasonably sure that you will take him back again, as long as he keeps calling and crying and begging you to take him back.


Whether you are being stupid or not isn't the real question. The question is, do you like waiting for the other shoe to drop? Do you enjoy wondering if he's going to cheat the next time he goes out drinking? Is this the kind of relationship you've always wanted, the kind where you're always kinda waiting for the next time your bf will call, crying, to tell you once again that he cheated?

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I think you should cut him loose... even though it'll be painful. Don't be forgiving too quickly just because you think "at least he confessed".


I understand once... but twice?


Maybe I'm being biased since my dad cheated on my mom and it's a possibility my ex cheated on me too... so yeah.


I think cheating is unforgivable, drunk or not.

If you love someone, you don't cheat on them.

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