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FWB Statistics

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How about f*ck partner? This way, if you're a bright enough spark, you will clearly delineate the boundaries of your partnership agreement. It's all pleasurable business, no?

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I agree with you on the misnomer. however, people often consider themselves friends, and they add sex to it. That doesn't mean they aren't close emotionally. Though I do feel that few people would have sex with a close friend. Therein lies the misnomer. We call people "friends" when in reality, it is just sex. Therefore, does friendship really take priority?

I'd like to see the stats on people who really, really consider the other person a close friend, complicate it with sex, stop the sex, then continue being "real" close friends.

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I'd like to see the stats on people who really, really consider the other person a close friend, complicate it with sex, stop the sex, then continue being "real" close friends.


Well I'd agree. I'd say if you truly care about someone, but do not want a relationship with them, you wouldn't put them in a potentially compromising situation (emotionally, and even physically with non-monogamy). Again, it is like "I'm friends with all my ex's." Really? Define friend? I'm hard pressed to truly say someone I email twice a year is a friend as they don't occupy the emotional space I reserve for friends.


I remember when my ex emailed me after our breakup asking me to be FWB; all I could think of was "if you really cared for me, and had any hope of us eventually being friends, you would want me to heal and move on to other relationships." I'd agree, anyone whose wellbeing you cared about, and you know you don't want a relationship with them...don't combine sex with friendship.


But f*ck partners? I like that.

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Well I'd agree. I'd say if you truly care about someone, but do not want a relationship with them, you wouldn't put them in a potentially compromising situation (emotionally, and even physically with non-monogamy). Again, it is like "I'm friends with all my ex's." Really? Define friend? I'm hard pressed to truly say someone I email twice a year is a friend as they don't occupy the emotional space I reserve for friends.


I remember when my ex emailed me after our breakup asking me to be FWB; all I could think of was "if you really cared for me, and had any hope of us eventually being friends, you would want me to heal and move on to other relationships." I'd agree, anyone whose wellbeing you cared about, and you know you don't want a relationship with them...don't combine sex with friendship.


But f*ck partners? I like that.

In reality oppath, most of my exes have initially come back for a second chance. I shut them down quickly and if they're worth friendship, we continue with only friendship in mind. I've given them advice on their love lives which they seem to appreciate, therefore, I consider them friends. As for my ex-H, he does continue to want back and makes no bones about it. I continue to help him with his emotional development with NPD. Any of my friend exes, would help me in a heartbeat, if I were to ever need anything from them, so yes, I do consider them friends.


I would never complicate a real friendship with sex. If a friendship migrates to the romantic, that's a different story.

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I just don't get FWB. I can't have it. I think I need to be emotionally attached with my man. If I don't have that, I just can't get myself involve with the 'benefits'.


It's funny when the benefits parts is only meant to refer to the sex. Like caring and good friendship aren't benefits or are just an add on.


I guess I'll look at my own statistics, since my third FWB is now over. I stayed friends with two, although I only contact one of them infrequently by phone. No contact at all with the third and it looks like our friendship that preceded the arrangement is probably over as well.

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