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How do I pursue a women after a 2 year seperation?

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I want to get in touch with an old fried from college who I have feelings for. I feel that we had a pretty "deep" relationship in college that went past just the partying scene.


Due to the fact that while in college, much of our time was spent "relaxing" smoking or socially drinking, I would like to pursue something deeper and more personal and meaningful.


I have avoided relationships for the last year because I needed to "work on myself". I wanted to make sure I was ready for a serious, committed relationship that may lead to marriage. I was a little immature before and didn't want to ruin any possibilities with this woman.


How can I approach her after very little contact over the last two years. Is it strange to do this? We spent a lot of time together when in college and the only reason it ended was b/c I moved away.


If she is in a relationship, is it bad to let her know that I feel very strongly for her? I think she had strong feelings for me in college, but from what I've been told, we thought we were both out of each other's league..:rolleyes:


What would be a good date for someone who is studying to be a lawyer? It would be in or around Philly.

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I'm the 19th view and i don't have any answers either.


I assume you are in law, but what was her major?


Are you still far away? Maybe you don't know.


Do you have her email address? I suppose I would start there with a friendly hello and see where things go. I wouldn't speak of my interest right away. You need more info.

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