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To all the OW who think they are number one...

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I'm so happy. I have my man and I have my LS. :laugh:


You have your man and you have your LoveShacker??? :laugh:


*cough* *cough* :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


I don't get it. Care to elaborate? What do you mean?:confused: (My turn to use the confused face.)

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No, dear. Just stating fact. I was making a point which I guess flew over your head. Glad you're having fun though.:)


Yeah I got your point, your point is you feel the need to reassure us of your life.


Here's a fact: anyone who is secure in their life doesn't feel the need to come on here and defend themselves. Afterall who cares what others think if you are secure?

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Yeah I got your point, your point is you feel the need to reassure us of your life.


Here's a fact: anyone who is secure in their life doesn't feel the need to come on here and defend themselves. Afterall who cares what others think if you are secure?


Actually, no. You didn't get my point at all. This just confirmed it.


And again, no. I wasn't reassuring anyone of my life, as you put it. I was trying to tell you that posting on Sat. night has nothing to do with the state of my marriage. I have no interest in "reassuring" anyone of anything. Trust me.


You've missed the point. I give up.

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I don't get it. Care to elaborate? What do you mean?:confused: (My turn to use the confused face.)



You said it yourself: you have your man and you have your LS...


I sometimes wonder how many people on LS have EA with other members... happens all the time...and it's OK... could be a lot of fun actually...


It's anonymous... after all... ;) and it's harmless ... right?

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You said it yourself: you have your man and you have your LS...


I sometimes wonder how many people on LS have EA with other members... happens all the time...and it's OK... could be a lot of fun actually...


It's anonymous... after all... ;) and it's harmless ... right?


Oh ok. I see what you're saying. Nope. I don't do that. My friendships with the men on here are totally open. No secrets. In fact, my H and I even met one of my male LS buddies back in April.

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Actually, no. You didn't get my point at all. This just confirmed it.


And again, no. I wasn't reassuring anyone of my life, as you put it. I was trying to tell you that posting on Sat. night has nothing to do with the state of my marriage. I have no interest in "reassuring" anyone of anything. Trust me.


You've missed the point. I give up.




Watch the door doesn't smack your butt on the way out.... :laugh::laugh::laugh::lmao:

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Watch the door doesn't smack your butt on the way out.... :laugh::laugh::laugh::lmao:


How clever and witty of you.:rolleyes:


So, Jinnah did you get your answers?:laugh:

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Well you are speaking from a serial cheater's prespective. In your case and cases similar to yours I don't think there is any hope, I agree.



I am willing to take the risk on my man, afterall any man is a risk really? no one has the magic wand to make it all perfect.


I think you and my man are nothing alike. For starters he left his W to be on his own so that in itself is nothing like you so....


In my case, I did change. Completely. I used to cheat, and help others cheat as OW. I haven't in a long time. Years. And I won't ever go back, either. Will your MM do the same? Only your MM can answer that, and even then only time will tell for sure.

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i dont know if this has been brought up, but getting back to the topic at hand ;) why is it such a big deal for you, op, to put OW down by making sure they are aware that you do not believe they are number one? in my opinion, the wives are the ones that are so OBVIOUSLY not number one here. if they were, there wouldnt be us OW to complicate poor MM's lives with our undying love and phenomenal sex :eek:

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lb, i did not say that i thought the OW was definitely number one in MM's life, just that the same argument can clearly be made for these W's that are sadly clueless.

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Jinnah's on leave right now, Touche.




DANG! No way! GRRRR! So I wonder if Jinnah got her answers, Jinnah2.:laugh:

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i agree. i would not tolerate cheating from MM. if i thought for one moment he had another OW out there, he would be gone. i would want nothing more to do with him. as for the W, i know about her, and i am not intimidated or jealous of his R with her.


I would hope so SBT. But, what if he told you it was over and that he loved you, promised you it would never happen again, really poured it on. You're 100% sure you'd end it and walk away, never look back? I just ask this because of what you've been through with your MM...



It was fun... some light BDSM... he likes that... my bum is red...:o


You just made me laugh! This was the last thing I expected to read tonight, especially on this thread! :laugh: I'm going to think of this tomorrow while I shoving onions up the ass of the turkey for Thanksgiving! :laugh:


No one thinks that anyway...I worked out, got my pedicure and nails filled made dinner (yum!)...and Loveshack just has to be checked in on...It's addicting!


And hell, it's better than TV!;)


LS is the most addictive place...Once it gets in your blood, it stays. You ever log on and then all you get "page cannot be found" ??? :p Then panic sets in...How long is it going to be down? :laugh:

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Sad, the only #1 for a MM, is MM.


LB is right.


He must feel f'ing great! Has two women, and sometimes even after D-Day, a MM can still have his wife and his OW. Must be nice to have ALL one's needs met, 24/7 by 2 people..:rolleyes:

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In my case, I did change. Completely. I used to cheat, and help others cheat as OW. I haven't in a long time. Years. And I won't ever go back, either. Will your MM do the same? Only your MM can answer that, and even then only time will tell for sure.



So let me get this straight, first it's:


I'm not sure why OW would honestly believe MM won't cheat on them. As a long time (reformed) cheater type myself, I can say for sure that a person who has it in themselves to cheat don't just magically lose that mindset when they change partners


NOw it's:



In my case I did change. Completely.



So anyman except LB does not have the power to change.


If you did it and you were a serial cheater why would a one time offender who was severly scarred by the whole experience and emotionally crippled, not be able to do it?


Why the double standard?


I understan what you are saying but not everyone is like you LB.


Like I said you are nothing like my guy, so I choose to believe it was a one off becaue he was never happy in his rel. his own mother told me the first second time I met her, "he should have met you 10 yrs ago and married you, it's a shame you had to meet under the circumstances you did and go through all that initial pain"


You could be right, of course he "might" cheat on me some day any man I end up with "might" cheat on me some day even the most morally clean person, "might" cheat one me" Until he does he is ok in my books, the minure he does he is out of my book. I used to obsess about that stuff when I was 20, filled with the insecurities of a typical 20 yr old. I grew out of that quickly.



There are no absolutes in life, every day is a chance to the unknown.

I assess people on how they treat me, not how they behaved in the past with others.

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wwiu, if he cheated on me with an OW then yes, i would be gone. he has never cheated on his wife before me. if i thought this was some sort of behavior for him, i would not tolerate it. people make mistakes, but once you have been in this type of R, believe me, it doesnt happen again unless you want it to. this is not something someone would choose willingly. i believe he did not mean to fall in love with me, but he did. i am not sorry he did.


i have talked of stepping away in the past, trying to get away, but recently i have come to the conclusion that i am not willing to give him up so easily. he means so much more to me than i can say and i will not throw that away. if he chooses to end it then so be it, but this will not end by my hand.

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Hi, the problem with the title is even though some may not think they are number one, you have pulled every OW in the direction to read your questions...and I get your point...but I think you have missed the point on what we get by not being number 1. Not every OW wants the whole package. If you honestly want the answers to the questions you pose, then please think about it from number 2's position.


1) We get him at his best. Always. We may be the "dirty little secret" as you put it, but trust me, he likes this little secret. A lot.

2) Yes, you spend the night with him in the same bed. When he is home. That business trip he took...chances are #2 was there with him, being wined and dined and sleeping in that big hotel bed with him.

3) Need money from his paycheck? With all the gifts he lavishes on #2...jewelry, clothes, trips, flowers...I think its fair to say, we dont need his cash...


We both could go on and on, and that isnt my point...really...I just was drawn to your thread, and I think maybe if you are asking those questions, you might need to think about it from #2's position.



This must be a day for getting a good laugh from people on here. LOL


I have to say, the poster I've quoted above sure does have a very vaulted opinion of herself and her worth. :laugh:

I'd say if the MM thinks that highly of his free piece, she'd be the Mrs.

Men are funny like that.

I'd say she isn't because her MM knows what a free one or two he's getting.

better than the corner charging gal. ;)

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:laugh::laugh:I'll let her know.:lmao::lmao:


Don't worry... she'll be back on the 16th.


We can be friends until then.


Ok, good because she kicks ass. Literally.




Sad, he did choose it willingly though. So did you. There was a point when a conscious decision could have been made to stop it. I guarantee it. And if you really thought about it, you'd realize and figure out when that point was. You may have even thought at that point, that you would put a stop to it. But you didn't. And he didn't.

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i agree. i would not tolerate cheating from MM. if i thought for one moment he had another OW out there, he would be gone. i would want nothing more to do with him. as for the W, i know about her, and i am not intimidated or jealous of his R with her.


You should be. How many OWs actually end up with their man?

Not sure, read plenty of LoveShack and you'll see. ;)

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thanks wwiu, i know you care. i appreciate it.

I do and you're welcome. ;) But you know I still want ya to detach yourself and end it. (though I know the timing isn't now for that to happen...)


You deserve so much more and better...:)

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You should be. How many OWs actually end up with their man?

Not sure, read plenty of LoveShack and you'll see. ;)



I did. and who cares what the stats are here on LS this is not a flaunt forum for OW/Om it is a support forum for people involved with people who are already invoveld so clearly the majority of people here are not where they want to be. I wasn't when I first came to LS.


In the real world the stats might be different. I say "might"because I honetsly don't know, I never looke into it.

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You should be. How many OWs actually end up with their man?

Not sure, read plenty of LoveShack and you'll see. ;)


really only concerned with mine right now, but thanks. been here a while, kind of know what goes on ;)

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