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Mixing friendship

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I'm female and a little confused I have these two male friends that i get on great with and in the past year i've kissed them both on quite a few occasions. Its got a little awkward though because they are friends now and from how they are being I think they both like me more than friendship. We were all out the other night as well as other friends and P was just was being off with me was basically ignoring me and just wouldn't look at me. I feel he now hates me, got a text off him later saying he is annoyed at me. I was talking to the other guy B about P and how i was upset because we were suppose to be really good friends. B then seemed upset at how I was so bothered about P.


I don't know what to do as I don't want to lose there friendship and I do like the hugs and the nice things they say. Not sure if I like either of them enough to take it more than friendship. I think I may be messing with there heads though because with me not really knowing what I want i'm continuing meeting up with them both and not saying either way what i feel about them.


Also P has seen girls since we kissed so I can't see why he can be annoyed at me for doing the same. Any words of wisdom would be helpful. Thanks

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If you want a friendship with these guys you need to spell it out to them so their is no misunderstanding. You like the attention ( and you suspect they might like you more than friends ) so you don't want to ruin the fact that they may leave if you tell them the truth. If they like you more than friends then it really isn't a friendship. It's them hoping for more but not willing to end the friendship because they have grown attached to you.

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You can't have it both ways, nor with both guys. You can't use them to feed your ego and consider them friends - using people isn't friendship.


If you want only friendship, then treat them as friends and drop all the flirtatious hugging and whatnot.

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