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What does it takes to get a partner?

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Hi all,

This forum looks good people talking genuine and meaningful.


I am a male of 26 yrs, and never had relation as such; rather I never understood what dose it takes to get a girlfriend. I am Indian, good looking, smart, intelligent, open minded, successful and a good person. But I lose in the area of relations, as I could figure out the reason that is I am not a very social person. I talk less and serious added with lack of opportunities. As it makes me hard to interact with people and build good social relation.


I recently came to the US for work, Left everything behind. It is like I am staring a new life. I don’t know a single person here. I hope I will be different here in this new world, as I can mix up in the American society and I know the American culture. This might help in ending the loneliness held inside for years.

Still my question remains what does it takes to get a partner. After realizing few things I need to improve in and taking few steps forward to answer. What would society do for me, will they accept me and help me. I don’t know how far I should try and in what direction it would be right. Do American women like Indian guys, and what shall I do, how do I initiate, how do I understand the meaning out from every minute if I spend with an American woman. Relation is always been a complicated stuff for me. I just want an easy going relation of souls for ever.


Your comments are welcome.


Thanks :)

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I just want an easy going relation of souls for ever.


Hello, and welcome aboard. There is no "easygoing" relationship that has any depth and meaning that I'm aware of. We're all unique with different wants, desires, life experiences, attitudes, beliefs, you name it, and we all bring our own baggage into any relationship. It's part of what makes being human fun. Think of how boring it would be if we were all alike.


I think the best approach is to simply be yourself. Like-minded people, including women, will gravitate towards you in time. The last thing you should do is rush or push. It may take awhile for it to happen but it will be well worth the wait.

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Man I ask have you revoked your Traditions?

If you are seeking an American woman I assume you are trying to develop more to this culture and not to those of your own race.

You will likely be an outcast if you do.

What does it take?

Visit places you like. Delete in your mind the best places to "pick-up" a woman is a bar. You will only find a drunk. Go to where you would want to be. Do thinks you enjoy. You need to act normal and not stiff. Be friendly and not pushy.

Bicycle in the Park. Visiting a Zoo. Visit a library. Go to museums. When you see a woman alone go up and talk to her. Say something like... "It's a relief to find someone else my age who enjoys doing the same things."

If you are outside... "It's so nice to not be stuck inside on a lovely day like this."

At a library, say "You like this author too? I've read some of his work but not this one. Is it good?"

Good luck and get back to me after you have tried some of these things.

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Zona gives some great advice here.


What are your hobbies- what do you like to do?


Why don't you join a cooking class at a university and/or take a ballroom dancing class or join a club?


There are many, many single women who do these kinds of activities and working together can build a good relationship.


The internet is a great resource- I met my boyfriend on MySpace.


Good luck!

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