EnigmaXOXO Posted October 9, 2007 Share Posted October 9, 2007 Do you see what I mean? Rejetion, Rejection. REJECTION! Nope. Excuses, excuses, EXCUSES. See what *I* mean? Link to post Share on other sites
Integra Posted October 9, 2007 Share Posted October 9, 2007 My understanding, please correct if I'm wrong) is that your H has always rejected you in one form or another. You say that he is verbally abusive. I'm not trying to bring more hurt by asking this, but it will help make things a clearer for me and maybe even you. The verbal abuse from your H.. How do I word this.... Does he verbally abuse you in the way fo saying things like "YOU STUPID B*&^%.. I HATE YOU... " and so on... Or is the verbal abuse more along the lines of " YOU DIDN'T DO IT RIGHT... YOU NEVER DO IT RIGHT".. I quess what I'm asking is this is his verbal abuse more direct attacks on you and your person... Or .. Is it more along the lines of constantly making you feel like nothing you do is good enough, making you feel rejected by him?? The reason I'm asking this is because I know from experience that sometimes, people who are rejecting us, or putting us down (in a matter that seem constant to us) really don't know that they are doing it... Just trying to get a better understanding of the dynamic between you and your H. Because honestly, you never really go into much detail about your H and your relationship with him. You've only really shared that he is verbally abusive.. You have shared way more about MM & is family than your own. Link to post Share on other sites
Author Meaplus3 Posted October 9, 2007 Author Share Posted October 9, 2007 AP, your a wonderful person! I'm sorry but if you were "on the market" I would bet money that TONS of guys would want you! Do you know why your husband puts you down like that? Thank you for the compliment, as I don't get that many so it feel's real good! I think it's stress. Work related(he's a very hard worker, very bright man) Kid's, we have 3 and they can make us both crazy from time to time. I also think it's what he saw growing up. I noticed that his dad alway's put down his Mom, she hardly even spoke and never defended herself. See I have a mouth and I will use it. I have a hard time taking it and feel I should not have to. It's not a sign of Love to me at all! AP:) Link to post Share on other sites
Author Meaplus3 Posted October 9, 2007 Author Share Posted October 9, 2007 Nope. Excuses, excuses, EXCUSES. See what *I* mean? Yes, Yes, YES! I do! Link to post Share on other sites
Cobra_X30 Posted October 9, 2007 Share Posted October 9, 2007 Thank you for the compliment, as I don't get that many so it feel's real good! I think it's stress. Work related(he's a very hard worker, very bright man) Kid's, we have 3 and they can make us both crazy from time to time. I also think it's what he saw growing up. I noticed that his dad alway's put down his Mom, she hardly even spoke and never defended herself. See I have a mouth and I will use it. I have a hard time taking it and feel I should not have to. It's not a sign of Love to me at all! AP:) Let me explain why many guys do this! Its a psychological technique called leveling! Your husband sees what a wonderful, intelligent, and happy person you are. Deep down he doesnt feel this way about himself, in fact he doesnt really like lots of things about himself and he thinks you will also not like those parts. So he tries to equal things out by bringing you down to his level! Because if you dont feel good enough... just like him, then you wont leave! In fact you will love him more, because you will feel so flawed right? It is kind of a bully mentality! He more than likely learned to do this from his father! Deep down I would bet he realizes how special you are... and it makes him feel worse about himself! Now, that may not be the case... maybe he is just a jerk in how he communicates. I dont know for sure... but this is how I am reading it from the info provided! Link to post Share on other sites
Integra Posted October 9, 2007 Share Posted October 9, 2007 Let me explain why many guys do this! Its a psychological technique called leveling! Your husband sees what a wonderful, intelligent, and happy person you are. Deep down he doesnt feel this way about himself, in fact he doesnt really like lots of things about himself and he thinks you will also not like those parts. So he tries to equal things out by bringing you down to his level! Because if you dont feel good enough... just like him, then you wont leave! In fact you will love him more, because you will feel so flawed right? It is kind of a bully mentality! He more than likely learned to do this from his father! Deep down I would bet he realizes how special you are... and it makes him feel worse about himself! Now, that may not be the case... maybe he is just a jerk in how he communicates. I dont know for sure... but this is how I am reading it from the info provided! This is exactly why I was asking the questions about AP's H's verbal abuse!!! My H was this kind of bully for roughly the first 9yrs of our M. Now 13yrs into our M he is a completely different person. We went through alot of hell to get better. But if this is what AP's H's problem is, then I know that the behavior can be changed. But it takes long, hard work on the part of both partners. Link to post Share on other sites
Cobra_X30 Posted October 9, 2007 Share Posted October 9, 2007 This is exactly why I was asking the questions about AP's H's verbal abuse!!! My H was this kind of bully for roughly the first 9yrs of our M. Now 13yrs into our M he is a completely different person. We went through alot of hell to get better. But if this is what AP's H's problem is, then I know that the behavior can be changed. But it takes long, hard work on the part of both partners. Hey do me a favor and look up some threads by Redfathom and see if they match that patter too! Your experience is amazing because I've never seen anyone get through that! You friend have a lot to share with this board!!! Link to post Share on other sites
Integra Posted October 9, 2007 Share Posted October 9, 2007 I'm not sure how well I'll be able to share my experience. This whole forum thing is new to me. Well, posting anyway. I feel that I'm very lucky, after all that we have been through, that my H and I, very honestly, have a better relationship now 13yrs later, than we did even from the beginning of our M. One day I may share my whole story.. But it would be LONNNGGGG:) Link to post Share on other sites
Author Meaplus3 Posted October 9, 2007 Author Share Posted October 9, 2007 This is exactly why I was asking the questions about AP's H's verbal abuse!!! My H was this kind of bully for roughly the first 9yrs of our M. Now 13yrs into our M he is a completely different person. We went through alot of hell to get better. But if this is what AP's H's problem is, then I know that the behavior can be changed. But it takes long, hard work on the part of both partners. WOW Integra that is amazing that he's changed. I don't know of anyone else either that made it through an abusive marriage. So many people are telling me to run and fast! But if there is hope than I am willing to try and figure it out. I need to try and have a more positive attitude about it, however when you dealing with beign screamed at and put down, it's very difficult to see a "Bright and shiney" out come. What did it for your H do you think? What made him change so? AP:) Link to post Share on other sites
EnigmaXOXO Posted October 9, 2007 Share Posted October 9, 2007 So many people are telling me to run and fast! Not me. Wouldn’t send you off with your guns half cocked. Without any forethought or direction, you’re liable to accidentally shoot yourself in the foot again. Enough to just get yourself out of this perpetual holding pattern you’ve gotten comfortable in and do the leg work necessary to figure out whether your marriage is still worth the effort or not. One small step at a time! Link to post Share on other sites
Author Meaplus3 Posted October 9, 2007 Author Share Posted October 9, 2007 Not me. Wouldn’t send you off with your guns half cocked. Without any forethought or direction, you’re liable to accidentally shoot yourself in the foot again. Enough to just get yourself out of this perpetual holding pattern you’ve gotten comfortable in and do the leg work necessary to figure out whether your marriage is still worth the effort or not. One small step at a time! Enigma, Integra and Cobra, I have to thank you all so much today for really making me think, I needed that! It's very hard to speak about abuse to other's because it carries with it such a deep feeling of shame. Thank's to you all I have been able today to gather few good thing's to ponder. You are prime examples of how LS can help other's. Hug's! AP:) Link to post Share on other sites
Integra Posted October 10, 2007 Share Posted October 10, 2007 I'm glad that you are feeling better. And that you have a few things to think about. I'm not going to tell you run either. I don't know to what degree you H's verbal abuse/bullying is. Like I said before, I don't live with you. And only you know when you've had enough (funny huh, just like w/mm;)) I can now look back over the years and I can see when my H's started and what made it start. And believe me, it had everything to do w/ how he felt about himself & very little to do w/me in the beginning. But it drove me to do things I've regretted (that made him worse) and that drove him to do things he regretted. But, I'm here to tell ya AP.. It can get better. Both of you have to want it to get better. What made my H change? We've gone through so much. Boy, I think I'l probably have to start a thread to tell the whole story. Link to post Share on other sites
Author Meaplus3 Posted October 10, 2007 Author Share Posted October 10, 2007 I'm glad that you are feeling better. And that you have a few things to think about. I'm not going to tell you run either. I don't know to what degree you H's verbal abuse/bullying is. Like I said before, I don't live with you. And only you know when you've had enough (funny huh, just like w/mm;)) I can now look back over the years and I can see when my H's started and what made it start. And believe me, it had everything to do w/ how he felt about himself & very little to do w/me in the beginning. But it drove me to do things I've regretted (that made him worse) and that drove him to do things he regretted. But, I'm here to tell ya AP.. It can get better. Both of you have to want it to get better. What made my H change? We've gone through so much. Boy, I think I'l probably have to start a thread to tell the whole story. Integra, You should start a Thread because I am sure you could reach other's like you have have managed to reach me. I will tell you that back when H and I were talking with the pastor who married us he said alot to us. I don't know if my H recall's this (after all he is a guy and I don't expect him to be a complete sap and recall everything) The pastor said "What's a word that you would use to describe your H toward's you in a loving marriage? I said "Gentle". The pastor contiued to say something to the affect that when that word is no longer can describe your marrige then you are not living the godly life you choose as man and wife. Now I am NOT a big religon person, but what he said I recall and I think it was for a reason. One of the big reason's I was attracted to MM was because he is a "Gentle" man. He even respected me enough not to have sex with me. So do you see what I am saying here?? I fell so deep for mm because he "Respected me" and was gentle. AP:) Link to post Share on other sites
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