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ok well if you read my other thread then you will know the situation that im in, if you didnt then i will sum it up for you...


ok well ive met a great girl about 2 months ago and now we are very very good friends, i have liked her ever since the day i saw her, and i am never going to meet another girl like her, she is amazing. and she acts very much like she likes me, but im still not sure, i wanted to just tell her that i liked her and just pour out all my feelings. but aperantly, that doesnt work too well, and people have suggested flirting with her to make sure she likes me. theres just one problem with that, i suck at flirting. so what i need is some good suggestions, tips, or advice on flirting... things i could do, things i shouldnt do, anything that would help me on my flirting problem...


thank you,

T - mac.

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ok yeah thats a good one but i already do that but not too much, ill start to do it a little more... not too much tho lol... anyone got anything else?

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touch her sometimes... always make it seem like she'd be lucky to hang out with you. you don't want to seem like you think she's better than you. eventually you're just gonna have to make some kind of a move, bro, whether it be going in for a kiss or asking her out for coffee. you will never know for certain how she feels about you without going out on some kind of a limb yourself. That's just the way it works.

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well today i started to flirt a little, she has been really happy today for some reason, even though she got in a fight with her mom last night. and she told me i was cute and asked me if i missed her last weekend cus i didnt do anything with her... any of this mean anything?

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hahaha, oh and i forgot to add one thing, im in mexico, going to school for a year in a really nice private school where most of the kids speak good english, and she is mexican but doesnt actualy have much indian blood in her. her dad is american so she speaks very good english but some things like "ill never admit it" would be kind of hard for her to understand...

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Take her off the pedestal you have the goddess on or your needy, wimpiness will drive her away. You have to have self respect, have friends of your own and don't treat her like she is the only women on the planet. Hold her hand, give her eye contact, let her know you like her as a women and not just a friend if you want to move the relationship forward.

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Take her off the pedestal you have the goddess on or your needy, wimpiness will drive her away. You have to have self respect, have friends of your own and don't treat her like she is the only women on the planet. Hold her hand, give her eye contact, let her know you like her as a women and not just a friend if you want to move the relationship forward.


I agree with this guy.

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Oh i see... that kind of limits your banter options, then. GO HANG OUT WITH HER!!!!!

again, we are very good friends and i do hang out with her every weekend... movies, the mall. and we are going to dinner this weekend for my birthday. besides the dinner thing, these things have been with her sister and another girl who is her friend tho.

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