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Bad Marriage could Damage Heart!

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I use to work with a guy who is stuck in a bad marriage. The only thing that keeps him in the marriage are the three kids. I am sure that the child support is what he is worried about the most.


He is only in his 40's and his hair turned grey prematurely and he has lost a great amount of hair and I guarantee that it all has to do with the marriage. They talk on the phone on a daily basis and almost everytime they argue about something, money most of the time.

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Here is the latest findings regarding a bad marriage.....I wonder if this is true.


You betcha!! "...women who keep silent during marital arguments had an increased risk of dying compared with wives who expressed their feelings during fights."


So the next time you guys complain about your W's being a bit too... uh, VERBOSE during arguments, she has every right to stand up and say "YOU'RE KILLING ME with that attitude." :D:D

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i don't doubt that a bad marriage would cause health issues. like the article said, it boils down to stress.


the mind is very powerful...you can will yourself to do alot of things. however, when you lose your will (whether it is a bad marriage or otherwise) then every thing can "get to you" more easily.

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You betcha!! "...women who keep silent during marital arguments had an increased risk of dying compared with wives who expressed their feelings during fights."


So the next time you guys complain about your W's being a bit too... uh, VERBOSE during arguments, she has every right to stand up and say "YOU'RE KILLING ME with that attitude." :D:D


that's funny cause my W keeps it within and i am the one who "let's it out"....where did you find that info?

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Here is the latest findings regarding a bad marriage.....







I wonder if this is true.


James, Great info!:)I very much believe this to be true. Of the people I know with heart related issues they are individual's who just so happen to be in unhealthy relationship's. The indivuidual's I know where also the "quiet" type's holding everything in! I think venting to a certain degree is healthy. I know for a fact that my lung function is still top notch because I can VERY MUCH speak my mind in the mist of an argument within my marriage!:lmao:



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Bobby NoBrains

I can definitely agree with that study. At my age (mid-thirties) I've got premature balding, weight loss (though I'm not obese now, so wth), and symptoms of high blood pressure every so often, along with signs of nervousness and depression. While I can't say that my marital life is solely responsible, definitely the constant fights and stresses have contributes to this in a large way. Ofc, I've taken the weight loss positively and am now trying to keep myself trim (I'm 6'3" and 180 pounds atm, I was 210 pounds a year ago and almost 235 three years ago). Also looking at various alternatives to de-stress, but my balding problem is gonna be a part of me for a long time to come. Hopefully because of my healthier lifestyle (esp now) the heart problems will not be an issue, but I can definitely say that I was "feeling the pressure" not too long back, heh.


Just my two bits ..



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Anyone of us who are/have been in a bad marriage should know that's true. In my first marriage I got plump and developed IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Now I am trim and have no gastro-intestinal issues at all - it was the horrible relationship that affected my health.

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Bobby NoBrains

There's no "never" in possibilities and no "always" in probabilities. Otherwise, I'd say probably possible :)


Just my two bits ..



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Very true. Once my neighbor split from his wife he looks so much happier and healthier. No more nagging and whining from his soon to be ex anymore and he gets to live in peace.

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Let's test the theory. Woggle you and your wife look very attractive together. You're both hot with sparkling happy eyes. Would you have that sparkle if you were unhappily married?

Are you very happily married?

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Let's test the theory. Woggle you and your wife look very attractive together. You're both hot with sparkling happy eyes. Would you have that sparkle if you were unhappily married?

Are you very happily married?


Yes we are very happy.Sometimes I feel like I won the wife lottery sometimes.

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Yes we are very happy.Sometimes I feel like I won the wife lottery sometimes.


...and what about the other times?

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...and what about the other times?


We very rarely argue and when we do we don't stay mad at each other for more than an hour.

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