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Girlfriends best friend hates me

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ok this is a looooooooong story ok I am 15 in young love wth my GF hayley weve been together for 7 months then we broke up and it lasted 2 weeks then Hayley asked me out agian and weve been going out ever since but I get the feeling that hayley's best friend Megan has Hated me ever since I even met Hayley I don't know what to do becouse the last time I even brung Megan up and siad Megan was makeing me look like a bad guy Hayley just got pissed off at me and frankly is still trying to re make me seem like a bad guy Again!!!! I have triad to make friends with Megan but she would just delibritly piss me off on purpose one night Hayley was staying the night at Megan so Hayley and Megan call me up and they are jokeing around Hayley is in the backround joke on how Corbin blue is gunna be a husband of hers so everything cool but every 5 minits Megan would say she can date anyone she wants every 5 minits now during this time me and Hayley had did a split up and yes I know Hayley can date anyone she wants but why would I want to be reminded of that and Megan tells Hayley I got mad at her and blamed everything on her so Hayley gets mad at me calls me a jackass loser and tells me to go get a life by tommarrow she realized what she did and appologized

but Everytime Megan will push my buttons then when I do get mad or upset she will get Hayley mad at me then when I go Explain myself to my GF my GF gets mad at me for saying its Megans fault when it Truely is!!!

Megan is the type of girl that plays innocent and I guess the reason why Hayley believes her more is becouse they have been friends since 3rd grade and I met hayley at the 8th grade but I don't know what to do Megans really becomeing an annoying problem to me and I'm not asking Hayley to just not be friends with her I just want her too believe me,me and Hayley are Awsome togehter and were Vary truthful and we believe eachother all the time Megan is my Only problem

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Maybe Megan doesn't like your awful grammar?


Seriously though... if you think Megan is playing childish games just to "push your buttons", just be a man and don't let such childish things get to you. She will look like an idiot, and you'll look like a normal person.


So if she messes with you, just dismiss it.


My guess is that you're insecure, and think that Megan can see it. You fear that if Megan shows Haylee your insecurities, Haylee will no longer like you. You hurt yourself if you let her get a reaction out of you.

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Maybe Megan doesn't like your awful grammar?

yeah, was that post all but two sentances or was it just me.


kinda like ICB said, you gotta roll with the punches. one day, you will be dealing with a sister in-law and/or a mother in-law who hates you. this is all about learning how to deal with the one's you care about family or close friends.


and i couldn't understand half of what you were saying, but you are going to have to be compromising in this situation.

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ok I'll ignor it the next time it happens thanks guys I was being
imature about this situation I guess my problem is I take things way to seriosly


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