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Confusing signals?

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Hello first of all I'm nes here though I once in a while looked about the boards. To start out I'm in college and I am a very shy person. I never had a relationship partly because I didn't find anybody I cared or I was too shy to do anything about (as I don't even flirt at all). So I can be very clueless about understanding men.


Well I finally found someone I began to quite like. There was just a spark there after talking once in a while (he is in one of my classes) and it wasn't really a physical attraction or lust it was quite wierd for me as I have never experienced it before (and yes I have had crushes but this was quite different). He always talked to me a bit and helped me with little things though he never asked for my phone number he eventually gave me his e-mails. I occasionally wrote to him though it remained somewhat of how things are doing in class. After a while I finally decided to ask him to get some coffee and he agreed and we had a very enjoyable time. The eye contact was great and we had a very good time. However when we were about to leave I rather freaked out and there was this weird atmosphere between us. Despite that we still continued to talk in class, even though he didn't ask me out or I asked him. He always remembers little things I said even after that "date" if we want to call it that and always seem genuinely concerned about me.


I think he is somewhat shy himself and I am wondering if perhaps I am confusing him or if it is just wishful thinking. Any thoughts about my situation? Thanks for reading this very long post. :)

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It sounds like he may be more shy than you are. While he was very happy you asked him for coffee, he is still working to figure out just how he can safely pursue you. It could be a very long time before he makes a move but I don't recommend you taking all the initiative.


If I were you, I would work to get through your shyness...it seems like you are making some good progress...and then you'll start attracting men who are more agressive in asking you out. Meanwhile, give this current guy time to get through his issues....I'm sure one day he'll get the courage to ask you to do something with him again.


Hey, I may be wrong. Continue being his friend, talking to him, etc. You really never know...but it doesn't sound promising for the time being.

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