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i don't think we ever really know for sure when we're addicted to anything, but its a good sign that you are questioning it. i feel like it too sometimes. If you feel you cannot do without you SO, than chaces are youare, and you might want toslowly start gaining independence. I'm in the same boat, and I'm working on it. its not easy, but I do feel in the end, you wil both be better off.

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Here are some things I have heard of, when someone might be in an addictive relationship. I'm not sure how many of these might hold true for you but they are some I have heard of.


*When you feel any relationship is better than none.

*You rely on someone else to full fill you, or make you happy.

*When you know the relationship is bad for you and you should end it, but you don't.

*You feel you can change the person to fit how you see a partner should be.

*Seeking out another relationship as soon as one ends.

*You're overly concerned with what pleases your partner, and neglect to make your self happy.

*Contstant breaking up and getting back together.


An addictive relationship is usually more apparent to outsiders first, because when you're caught up in the middle of it, it makes more difficult for you to see. An addictive relationship is almost always, unbalanced. Instead of a 50/50 split in joy and responsiblities it can be more like 90/10. One person is mostly doing all of the giving and the other taking.

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