OpenBook Posted October 20, 2007 Share Posted October 20, 2007 Truth is, if she wants someone who loves her *just* the way she is...then she need to find a man who loves "love handles". She SHOULDN'T have to loose weight, and he SHOULD love her the way he married her...but he probably won't. Nevertheless...she has the right to refuse to stay married to a man who doesn't want her physically. Nobody can force her to change if she truly is happy in her shape... I stand corrected. There ARE men out there who are into that body type. ...and where did it state she was pregnant? :S Perhaps then he just doesnt view pregnant as sexy...some men dont. In post#3... Well he just got a job and he hasnt really been stressed exept for the occasion i am sorta making him that way, me being pregnant and all. Link to post Share on other sites
Mr. Lucky Posted October 20, 2007 Share Posted October 20, 2007 if you loose your husband because you're obese - then what husband was he in the first place anyway? I sure as hell wouldn't wanna be with someone who'd leave me the moment I became fat. But what statement are we making to our spouse when we indulge in that kind of self-destructive behavior? "Care about me even though I don't care about myself" ?. I'm not talking about the 10-15 lbs that seem to be a natural part of growing older, but any spouse that gains 100+ lbs after marriage has, in my mind, broken their wedding vows... Mr. Lucky Link to post Share on other sites
4whatItsWorth Posted October 20, 2007 Share Posted October 20, 2007 Mr Lucky, please do read the second post I made after that. ^^ I did explain myself there... I do not mean to support the fact that a marriage is one-sided by no means! ...and I am not a supporter of being obese because anybody "should be able to"...I don't find it sexy...or healthy... Link to post Share on other sites
Author Hidden_Love1986 Posted October 20, 2007 Author Share Posted October 20, 2007 You have no idea. i have talked to many doctors 284 to be exact because i was not sure of if that is what i had, and they all diagnosed me with it. And yeah all i eat is veggies and Fruit thats it. and i drink water only. so tell me then that i am not eating properly. Until you can go through what i go through, then you have no right into saying that this disease is not real. try going to school some more and looking things up because as far as i see it, the most people i have talked to are just complete morons that spent most of there time getting drunk and smoking pot. And another thing, its more healthy to have meat on your bones then it is to be skinny, because you dont get the proper nutrition in your system when you are skinny, yeah i am not happy with my weight but i dont want to be like every skinny girl out there who has her bones popping out of her all the time. Alot more girls die from being that skinny then they do being fat. It is a known fact. ask doctors and scientist who have done research on the human body. Link to post Share on other sites
Mr. Lucky Posted October 20, 2007 Share Posted October 20, 2007 Hidden Love, I'm just going to say that you have some unusual theories, very few of which are supported by "doctors and scientists" as I understand it... Mr. Lucky BTW - Exactly 284 doctors? Link to post Share on other sites
Integra Posted October 20, 2007 Share Posted October 20, 2007 You have no idea. i have talked to many doctors 284 to be exact because i was not sure of if that is what i had, and they all diagnosed me with it. And yeah all i eat is veggies and Fruit thats it. and i drink water only. so tell me then that i am not eating properly Okay, I'll tell you. This is not eating properly.. If you are already obese. Which you are implying that you are obese, not just a few pounds over weight. Then NO this isn't eating healthy... All your doing is keeping your body in "starvation" mode, and your body will just store more fat cells. Period.. Some people when they cross the line into obese, can not even process and regulate the fructose in fruit anymore, because they have allowed their systems to become so out of whack.. . Until you can go through what i go through, then you have no right into saying that this disease is not real. try going to school some more and looking things up because as far as i see it, the most people i have talked to are just complete morons that spent most of there time getting drunk and smoking pot. I'm assuming that you're speaking of your friends and acquaintences, because I'm sure that a reasonably intelligent person wouldn't just throw pure crap like that out there. And if are mainly spending time with people who just stay drunk and smoke pot, maybe you need a new set of friends.. And another thing, its more healthy to have meat on your bones then it is to be skinny, because you dont get the proper nutrition in your system when you are skinny, yeah i am not happy with my weight but i dont want to be like every skinny girl out there who has her bones popping out of her all the time. Alot more girls die from being that skinny then they do being fat. It is a known fact. ask doctors and scientist who have done research on the human body. What bunk is this crap. And hey I'm a big girl- size 12-14 5ft 9 in here. Not ashamed of it.. But geez girl. At this point, I see you making nothing but excuses on why you are heavy. And not telling a damn thing that your doing about it.. So you only eat fruits and vegies, I already told you the problem with that.. Are you exercising?? If you are what are you doing?? I see a whole lot of excuses and a whole lot of complaining. But nothing being done about it.. I understand if you were heavy when you got married. I understand that you feel like you H should still desire you even if you have gained weight. However, your not making it sound like you have just gained 10-20 lbs here and there. Your making it sound like you have had a significant weight gain. That's not good. Not good for you, not good for your relationship, obviously not good for you self esteem.. Here's a question. And even if you don't answer honestly here. At least answer yourself honestly.. DO YOU FIND YOURSELF DESIRABLE??? DO YOU THINK YOU ARE A HOT SEXY WOMAN??? hmmm?? Link to post Share on other sites
MrsHellnoFire Posted October 20, 2007 Share Posted October 20, 2007 Hmm.. 284? Well why bother stopping after you top 100 i guess, huh? Couldn't handle the fact the first 50 told you or what? ok she's seen 284 doctors whom she says ALL diagnosed her with "GAUCHERS" yet she DID NOT EVEN KNOW THE NAME OF HER DISEASE WHEN ASKED!!! Yeah, that makes a lot of sense there. What's the prognosis and why aren't you receiving enzyme treatments? I don't know where in your right mind you get the idea that it is HEALTHIER to be OBESE rather than skinny. Difference between being a "few extra pounds" and a little "overweight" with "obese". Bones "popping" out? Also a difference between being "skinny" and having an eating disorder! Link to post Share on other sites
4whatItsWorth Posted October 21, 2007 Share Posted October 21, 2007 And another thing, its more healthy to have meat on your bones then it is to be skinny, because you dont get the proper nutrition in your system when you are skinny, yeah i am not happy with my weight but i dont want to be like every skinny girl out there who has her bones popping out of her all the time. quote] Um...just because a woman is skinny doesn't mean by any means she can't be well nourished. What fact did you base that on? Many of my closest friends are "skinny" and they are all well nourished. You can't go around defending obesity as being "well nourished". The statement that skinny girls have "bones popping out" just shows resentment towards thinner people. And it only confirms you are angry about yourself. Eating fruit and vegetables and water will NOT keep you weel need to eat a whole variety of different foods, and eat enough to nourish your body but yet being in a negative energy balance in order to loose weight. A calorie is a calorie is a calorie is a calorie... Like recommended before...go see a doctor/ditetitian who knows about the condition. Link to post Share on other sites
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