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Is It Wrong To Smell Manly Now?

The Collector

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Citizen Erased
I'm still laughing! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao::lmao:


laughing is what us alien commie feminists do, when we're not in between skemes to force men to smell nice and date fat moustached women.






:lmao: My diet coke just came out my nose because of that IS THAT WHAT YOU DO AS WELL EVIL FEMINIST MAN-EATER

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hahahaha snorkle haha!

diet coke coming out of noses, yes yes, all part of the evil feminist commie plan.


Seriously, I just reread the whole thread and I am still laughing.


This thread had me choking on my perrier I was laughing so hard.


Oh wait... are evil commies allowed to drink perrier or is that too posh?

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hahahaha snorkle haha!

diet coke coming out of noses, yes yes, all part of the evil feminist commie plan.


Seriously, I just reread the whole thread and I am still laughing.


This thread had me choking on my perrier I was laughing so hard.


Oh wait... are evil commies allowed to drink perrier or is that too posh?



Glad you seemed to get the same laughter/endorphin rush I was experiencing ! I THINK we can drink perrier, as long as we don't get saggy, bitter, and accept that it's mans right to have grow fungus on his man jewels ! LOL

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Glad you seemed to get the same laughter/endorphin rush I was experiencing ! I THINK we can drink perrier, as long as we don't get saggy, bitter, and accept that it's mans right to have grow fungus on his man jewels ! LOL


RIIIGHT! After all, the commie feminists are in cahoots with the beauty industry. It's all an ideological scheme for world-domination and big money.

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And to be fair, what about fat chicks? If women can demand I smell like a metrosexual, why can't I demand they lose their muffin tops and bingo wings? Fair's fair.


Fair is fair...hmmm....really?


Except it goes like this....she bathes every day and in return (and here's the tricky part)....YOU BATHE EVERY DAY!!!

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It is amazing this obvious troll post got so much sincere feedback.


Since "western" culture got over the stigma of bathing from the "debauchery" of Roman baths (I kid you not) in the late 19th century, it's generally considered socially acceptable to bathe when one gets to the point that they stink.


But given the choice between people stinking naturally and gassing people half to death with the amount of perfumes and colognes in which they drench themselves, stinking naturally might not be all so bad....

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Bathing has nothing to do with being unmanly. Even I think this sounds stupid. I make sure to shower everyday because I like feeling clean and I like to smel decent even though I wear no cologne. I also will slap the person that brings Axe body spray anywhere near me.

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We feminists like to remould society so that it meets our requirements so in response, yes, it's the feminists again. We like our men docile and smelling like peaches.


I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

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I am a professonal writer in my thirties who is attracted to younger women. I find they are less critical than older women, and not as bitter or saggy. I always keep on the right side of the law, and ignore the occasional comment about cradle-snatching or 'grooming' by jealous friends. I have my own moral code and found LoveShack to be often helpful in understanding the alien ways of a woman's mind, whatever the age.


But one area that often causes conflict between me and my paramours is the issue of personal hygeine. One of the profound differences between men and women is that ladies are supposed to be fragrant (like innocent flowers), whilst men, the hunters, should have a certain 'muskiness' about them. A healthy male aroma is something to proud of, and I don't think I should be forced to bathe more frequently than I choose to.


I'd be interested to hear other mens (or womens even) opinion on this matter. Is this another case of women being brain-washed by the beauty industry? Or is it the feminists again?


To answer your question...


NO! Men are not allowed to be men in any sense of the word anymore.


Only things that involve kissing azz, such as paying for dinner, opening doors.


Of course we can still do that.... women don't mind that at all.


Have a spine? I think not.

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Too be gross, graphic and very high school, haven't you heard of " fromunda cheese " ??? :sick:


:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:....and this is where i read no more!

yes, i'm still a bit highschoolish.


Collector, there are a few females out there that may like "musk" smells on their men, but as MM stated, they are other issues with not taking showers.


and they do make colognes that have the musk that you won't.

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To answer your question...


NO! Men are not allowed to be men in any sense of the word anymore.


Only things that involve kissing azz, such as paying for dinner, opening doors.


Of course we can still do that.... women don't mind that at all.


Have a spine? I think not.



You know what guys? It actually worries me that some people out there really believe that there is a big conspiracy against perpetrated by half of humanity.


Do you seriously think women have that much power? Do you really think we go about our days scheming ways to make men miserable?

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It is not individual women but society in general that is trying to change men and trying to tell men that we are wrong the way we are. Sometimes other men can be just as bad if not worse than women. Look at Dr Phil who is just as bad as any woman and look at the female judge who let me get everything in my divorce. No0t everybody with a vagina is the enemy of men and not everybody witha penis is a friend.

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The Collector
YDo you seriously think women have that much power? Do you really think we go about our days scheming ways to make men miserable?


Here's a thread from a UK women's site. It is full of women confessing that they often start arguments with their loyal, unsuspecting partners for the drama of it.






How do you argue?

What's it like in your house when you have a row?


I tend to be the one that instigates them...well I always am actually, if the boy had his way we'd never argue, he hates it. But I am quite argumentative even though I don't want to be!


So it starts with me getting narky...either he'll be able to pacify me, or I won't let him and then if I'm being an argumentative sod it starts with me going on and on, I shout, go on some more and often walk out for a fag to calm down.


He very rarely shouts or argues back unless I'm being a real **** and then he'll defend himself against my ridiculous attitude and then we're ok. Rows don't last longer than a few minutes and happen very very rarely.



hmm we dont really argue but since becoming pregnant i sometimes feel i am looking for a ruck!!!


oh hates arguing too, normally i do. i am happy with him so why argue? it only ruins what we have..


recently i have been looking for cracks in things he says, things i would normally see rationally but am seeing as a personal slight. i know we are spending his birthday together, he is out on the sat and asked if i wanted to go out with him and his friends... i normally would think 'how cute'!! but in my head i thought 'oh so i am invited with you and your friends, what about them coming with us????' and got annoyed. if he says someone is pretty on tv it is bugging me, although i can say what i like. ridiculous! i know noone is perfect, he nor me.. but i seem to be grabbing at every opportunity. he ignores it but i worry then i ahve upset him. so it goes like this currently..


i am chirpy and happy

he is

he says something normal, i morph this in my mind to be an insult, even his normal teasing i am morphing!

i get quiet and huffy for a reaction



We argue like cat and dog. I'm always starting it, (althiugh he can be quite passive/aggressive) and eventually he snaps! Once we both get going it's drama all the way, flouncing and packing and so on, then there is a bit of silence, then we make up.


It doesn't bother us


I wonder if he would agree.



They're always started by me and always because he's not taking in what I've said or has accused me of nagging



We don't generally. Mr A hates arguments, thinks they are a sign something is seriously wrong even when it's just about the washing up. I don't exactly enjoy arguing, but am more argumentative than Mr A.


Usually starts with him saying or doing something that I take as an insult or genrally a bad thing. Rather than being a mature adult and dealing with it I'll stew on it a while. I'll put it together in my head with other perceived and imagined insults and misdeeds, and get into a bit of a tizzy. Maybe speak to my mum or a friend and get even more het up. Then when next speak to Mr A I'll be distant and cold, forcing him to ask what's wrong, and at first I won't tell him till the situation is REALLY tense and horrible and then i'll blurt it out, then he'll defend himself and then i'll get all emotional and make some outlandish claim like if he can't put the bins out then he musn't enjoy having sex with me anymore or something, then he'll have to refute it and reassure me and i'll cry and he'll say sorry and i'll be all like "well let's just forget it". Then 10 mins later i'll come to my senses and be really sorry and tell him how sorry I am and what a knob I am and he'll laugh and agree and then we'll be friends and aside from a few "are we ok then?" "sure we're ok now?" type things we'll be back to normal.


It's awful I'm a bad girlfriend.



i am not the only one.. why do we do it? is it for attention?


i used to love the peace and happiness, now i do similar to you adora and i hate it...


i wouldnt swap oh for the world he is amazing... yet sometimes i think he cant win!!!


i do the cold thing, if he acted like me i would be devastated!!



It is awful. I wish I didn't do it. I think for me, it is an insecurity thing, I do need that reassurance and so I create situations where he's going to have to give it to me. Or I'll be really cold so I can see how worried he is and reassure myself that he does care. It's only little odd moments, I don't carry out my whole life like this, but I am guilty of it sometimes.


I am getting better though, sometimes I can just say "look, i'm feeling like this and I know it's ridiculous but I need you to do this x,y,z to make me feel better and in return i'll do the following ....". Or if he says something like someone on tv is attractive i'll make a joke out of it and say "are you calling me fat?" to make him laugh and then i get over it quicker.


At least you have hormones as an excuse



That is SO true if he was half like me I would be a mess! He deals with me so well it's truly amazing....the patience of a saint!


I think our rows stem from something else bothering me. Say I'm tired or hungry and the house is a mess that will set me off...if I'm worried about money or the move I'll snap at him....as I say though it tends to never lead to a row because he will cuddle me or talk to me or leave me to it, he can read me like a book so knows how to react.


More often then not I bottle things up though which is terrible as I can tell him anything...but it's a learning curve sharing things that bother me as given time, I deal with them myself.


I know I'm a cow when I'm tired though!


Adora, I am just like you, and you BJ, when you wroggle things about it your head to make them worse. The poor boy...somethimes I can bring up something weeks old so he has no idea what the hell I'm on about...then it always escalates into me assuming it must be because I need to lose weight or don't cook something well enough...absolute madness.


Maybe i do this because he IS so calm and kind, maybe I like getting things stirred up otherwise we'd be in bliss all the time and I do love a bit of drama. Bit **** when it's one sided though I have to admit!





There are no posts saying that the man starts the arguments.

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You know what guys? It actually worries me that some people out there really believe that there is a big conspiracy against perpetrated by half of humanity.


Do you seriously think women have that much power? Do you really think we go about our days scheming ways to make men miserable?


I don't think it's a big conspiracy.


Rather, I see it as more of a subconscious process. I believe many (not all) women in AMERICAN society are caught up in this gender revolution of sorts.


Now I am all about equal rights, but think about what reverse discrimination is. That is the result of taking equal rights too far.


So women get their rights, but now it's being taken too far. Instead of women being subserviant to us, we are now subserviant to them. We are NOT EQUAL based on the treatment of society.


Men got robbed of a lot of dignity and control in a relationship, but yet we are still EXPECTED to pay for the date and "woo" the woman. We are expected to accept the fact that she is dating other men, while we shell out our hard earned cash.


I just wonder what the incentive for men is sometimes.

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If my wife acted like that she would be out the door so fast her head would spin. Why do men put up with that crap?

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Here's a thread from a UK women's site. It is full of women confessing that they often start arguments with their loyal, unsuspecting partners for the drama of it.


I have to ask... What are you doing cruising a handbag website? :laugh:


I've started an argument before with my exwife just to keep her off balance...


So I can believe a woman would also start an argument for no reason on occasion to keep her man off balance..

Did it ever occur to you that a woman who starts and argument for no reason isn't in a good relationship to begin with?.. same difference when I would do it to my exwife..

She was bipolar and made my life full of chaos.. So I would occasionally create the chaos back she I had some peace. Get where I'm coming from ? controlled chaos..

Those women may be controlling their drama in their relationships for whatever reason.. Doesn't mean anything since they are not posting on this thread.

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If my wife acted like that she would be out the door so fast her head would spin. Why do men put up with that crap?


Because having a girl around can be such an ego trip for some men.


Some men place all their value in the amount of attention given to them by females.


The hotter the woman is, the more crap these types will take.


How do I know this? I used to be one of those guys. I used to take the immature behavior of some women personally.


A few years ago I learned that I didn't need a woman to validate myself.

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Because having a girl around can be such an ego trip for some men.


Some men place all their value in the amount of attention given to them by females.


The hotter the woman is, the more crap these types will take.


How do I know this? I used to be one of those guys. I used to take the immature behavior of some women personally.


A few years ago I learned that I didn't need a woman to validate myself.


Then it is partly his fault for sticking around especially if there are no kids and he is really dumb for sticking around if they are not married. Collectively men could stop feminism in it's tracks tommorow if he had the will to follow through but too many of us are thinking with the wrong head. No woman is fine enough to sacrifice my peace and my happiness for.

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There are no posts saying that the man starts the arguments.

i start arguements with my wife....

now there is a post here.


i do agree with you a little bit.


however, women, for thousands of years, have been treated like the scum of the earth. now that they are getting a little (and yes, LITTLE) respect, we men find it to be threatening.


i have had many discussions (not arguements) with my W about this; my point is that you can't have your cake and eat it too. you want to be treated equal as a man, open the door yourself and learn how to take out the trash. and i'll treat you like one of the boys, if you want me too.


now, i don't necassarily believe that, i still open doors and treat her with the upmost respect...it's the principle.


chirs rock said it best:

"Chivalry is dead....and women killed it."


women still deserve to be treated like "women"...not like a back stabbing, arguementive, hormonal pussycats SOME make them out to be.

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Because having a girl around can be such an ego trip for some men.


yeah, until she tells he to "shut the hell up," in front of the boys.

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Thanks for the replies guys. Food for thought.


These are the kind of questions that fascinate me, because I study power relations (between etnic groups). The big question about power in social sciences is whether it is binary or multidimensional. I believe it is multdimensional. As in, power is not a zero sum game (if one has power, he or she if therefore robbing the other of it).


As such, I don't think it is productive to prove 'right' and 'wrong'. I could pull out forum discussions where women are being objectified and ridiculed as sexual objects. I could even pull out stats on household violence.


I agree with you that society has changed a lot in the last decades and as a woman, I do appreciate most of the changes. I mean, if it weren't for these, I wouldn't be doing a PhD. I also agree with Woggle. The changes affects society as a whole.


Depression is on the rise amongst women, most analysist believing it is because they work full-time for 73% of a man's salary and still do something like 80% of the housework and child-rearing, leading to lost quality of life.


So the advantages women have gained also come with a cost. It's not like half the population wins, so the other half loses. These changes are affecting everyone and I don't think pitting ourselves ones against the others is going to help anything.

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I do agree that it is not a zero sum game but many people including many women treat it like that. I don't want to return to the 1950s where women were treated like 2nd class citizens but I also refuse to be a whipping boy for a woman with a vendetta against men. I will give respect but I expect it in return. I do think that the feminist movement started out as a positive and could have accomplished so much more if it weren't hijacked by the crazies in the 70s and 80s.

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