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Fight with Cousin's 2 timing GF!

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I would apologize to the cousin and admit "I maybe went a little over the top in my reaction to her, and I apologize to you for it. I understand you love her, and I am sorry for threatening to hurt someone you love. However, let me repeat: I understand you love her. This is what I saw happen..." and explain what you saw happen. Apologize him to disarm him. Allow him to witness you were genuinely concerned about him. Then make her out to be the lying, two timing, cheating whore that she is.

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What if they don't split? Always a possibility ;)


Then I will force the issue!!


I'm sorry but I can not let the situation stand as is! I spoke with his brother yesterday evening, there will be a change.


We may have an idea of how to get her kicked out of her sorority!


Plus, she knows me.... but she doesnt know his brother. That provides a lot of possibilities! However, I dont think either of us are going to put more time and effort into this than is absolutely required.

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Citizen Erased
Then I will force the issue!!


I'm sorry but I can not let the situation stand as is! I spoke with his brother yesterday evening, there will be a change.


We may have an idea of how to get her kicked out of her sorority!


Plus, she knows me.... but she doesnt know his brother. That provides a lot of possibilities! However, I dont think either of us are going to put more time and effort into this than is absolutely required.


Wow you sound so different than normal... ah well I wish you luck in your revenge... just not more threats please ;)

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Wow you sound so different than normal... ah well I wish you luck in your revenge... just not more threats please ;)


Ok... Ive avoided posting about this all day. Your right... I was a little off kilter. I dont have much for family so I tend to be a little on the protective side with them.


I sat down and apologized to my cousin.

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And, I told him that I would not provide an apology as such to his GF.


Not much more I can do at this time. However, as I mentioned previously, his brother and I put our heads together and have been thinking a little on how to provide a more favorable solution to this problem.


Its times like this when I feel that the law is so constricting!


Basically, here is my plan thus far. I am going to inform her that various friends/family members will be keeping tabs on her from time to time. If she does anything shady... everyone is going to find out.


Maybe she will reform. Maybe she wont.

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