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I Don't What Whats Happening....

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Hi there! This is my first post here, this looks like a good place to ask some advice from some good people. :)


Ok, will try to sum up the major history of this situation in not too many words....


I met my ex (or whatever he is about 1 1/2 years ago. We were together for almost 8 months until his previous ex started problems by coming back around.... (when she found I was in the picture, she wanted him back) and yep they also had 3 little children together. To make a long story short, I bowed out of the picture.


I now know that she is totally out of the picture, she is severely bipolar and has been instituionalized for a very long time. He tells me he only wanted to try to fix things for the sake of the children, and I totally believe that to be true.


Fast forward ... this past April he phones, he is at the neighbours place above mine. He wants to come and chat and watch the hockey game. Yeah, yeah.... I know, but I just melted totally..... from that point onward we became close although I wouldn't sleep with him.


Well that is, until 3 weeks ago, it just happened and I couldn't seem to avoid it..... it was like I was possessed.... overly dramatic I know.... :lol!:


Since then I've noticed a change, he is so much nice than he EVER was, he's invited me over the past 2 weekends, and actually had me meet his parents at his place. He has made a couple of nice dinners and has been basically kissing my behind..... He's been calling me cute little pet names which is something he never did before, even at the beginning.


I don't get it.... we haven't talked the "relationship" talk.... I'm afraid to push it and I don't know how he feels, but he's never been one to say either....


Can anyone tell me where I should go from here, or what to do?


Thanks so much.....



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