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confusion with lieing girl.

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dear friends i am new to this place.


my problem might seem stupid but is eating the life outta me.


I have a girl.n we've been together for around 2 years.


and from the day i have known her she has regularly lied to me.

anything ranging from past relationships to present crushes.

says she wanted me to feel that she is an angel and she wanted to be treated as one.


Fine,i told her i would if she would be honest as its important to me.

i have since then tried evrything ranging from supportiveness to anger but she has only gotten worse.

she says she dosent want to leave me but at the same time has the hots for those chocklate boys(im kinda macho)


i have lost all feelings for her but care for her well being dearly.she isnt beautiful.but it made no difference to me and i carried her around at times .she cares too but i guess thinks i aint worth the strain of pondering and there fore at times she gives me stupid sugesstions,

and my faith in these sugesstions have put me to near death situations.


i know that i can be chocklaty too if i needed,all i need to do is change my workouts.but she dosent want me to do that too.says she wants a macho guy for a husband .but dosent be clear about the other part.


i have lost all faith guys,tell me what should i do,she is causing me a lot of strain , and she dosent communicate with me properly leaving me no choice at all.


she dosent let me break off too.


its really taking a toll on my health.feel like killing myself.(cant believe i said that).


please tell me what you feel,i have tried everything,she just dosent communicate.all i hear is excuses and those same'i love yous'.nothing that makes sense according to the situation.

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she dosent let me break off too.


I think we both know that you need to dump this girl and find someone decent!


She is playing you like your a little boy... dont let her do that!


Are you ready to step up and pull the trigger on this?


How do you plan on breaking it off with her?

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and from the day i have known her she has regularly lied to me.




You should have dumped her a$$ on day 2.

WTF are you thing you wimpoid ?

This a LOW QUALITY female (note that i did not say WOMAN)

SAve yourself anymore brain damage and flick her today..

Remember the old saying about crap women " You cant polish a t*rd."

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"i have lost all feelings for her"


- This obviously isn't true if she has you wanting to kill yourself. I can tell you this though: NO woman is worth killing yourself over - ever.


What do you mean by chocklate exactly? And by macho do you mean physically or mentally?


I wouldn't take lying from even a friend, much less a potential LTR. But the most important thing is to make sure you don't judge her. If she is attracted to a certain body type that you don't have, then don't get mad at her; just realize that she can't control her emotions or attractions, and if she thinks you judge her then she will hide things from you.

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