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Dating site - wow!


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This thread is really about online dating sights. Meeting people online. You are referring to an LDR, or long distance relationship.. Wow, that's a long time never to meet. And you didn't date anyone else during that time? I can't help but wonder how many opportunities were lost for you.

you sounds like my mother, no I didn't date others, I don't consider those are opportunities


my relationship is both online+phone and LDR, so still on topic

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you sounds like my mother, no I didn't date others, I don't consider those are opportunities


Honey, I AM your mother. I'm glad you figured it out, so I don't have to hide from you. I just want to make sure my little girl stays out of trouble online.


-Love Mommy :love:

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Honey, I AM your mother. I'm glad you figured it out, so I don't have to hide from you. I just want to make sure my little girl stays out of trouble online.


-Love Mommy :love:

as I remember my mother wasn't knocked out one teeth, are you a wolf? but even wolf has caring moment, thanks

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I wouldn't, .......the men usually outnumber women sometimes as high as 5 to 1.....pretty good odds for an attractive woman....even better with good pics and decent profile.


I've never known anyone to get 200 responses in a week...and I'm referring to good looking women.

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I have been on a site for two months. As a guy, i feel that many women i have met have many issues and many dont tell you about there circumstance. Iv met about 10, some looking much older than there photo, some fatter, some just come out of marriage or a relationship. I feel as a man, its very unfair as you can get dating and fall for them , only to find that they have a ton of issus. This is exactly what happened to me, i got involved with a lady for 1 year. at first she wasamazing, georgeous etc. After about 2 months bam all the issues, unfinshed marriage stuff problems with her 3 kids. i was not only in love with her, but i was an emotional support for the whole family and the ex hubby!! what a nightmare. that was 6 months ago, and have been dating again for 1 month. Iv had 5 dates, 3 just out of marriage-no thanks, and 2 looked nothing like the photo. i THINK IT SHOULD BE A REQUIRMENT TO PUT IN DRESS SIZE, AND A FULL LENGTH PHOTO showing the body shape, for both men and women. I guess the best ones are the ones you pay for, cos they are people who do want a relationship, and not jkust a free night out. One woman (i found out) was on the site, and i got it out of her that her husband was still living with her!! my thought? BE CAREFUL WOMEN CAN BE JUST LOOKING FOR AN UPLIFT AND NOT A RELATIONSHIP.

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I THINK IT SHOULD BE A REQUIRMENT TO PUT IN DRESS SIZE, AND A FULL LENGTH PHOTO showing the body shape, for both men and women.


They can lie about the dress size...(btw, do men wear dresses? lol) and the photo could end up being an old one.


I guess the best ones are the ones you pay for, cos they are people who do want a relationship, and not jkust a free night out.


That's not really a good attitude to have though....thinking that the women are just out to get something from you. The most I ask of any guy I meet for a first meeting is paying for a coke for me. Doesn't break his wallet. I don't want any more from them...it's not what I'm there for.

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well i put a full lenght shot of me, so they can see body size and stuff, and i ment the sites that you pay to join rather than the free ones, cos the people on those are a little more serious about wanting to meet for a relationship. I didnt mean the date it self, sorry i worded it wrong!!

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Ask for a picture?


You really should be on a dating site where you have to post pictures, or at the very least you can filter out the profiles that have none. It is best to post multiple pictures of yourself in good lighting so that there are no surprises when you meet. To hide behind bad photos either intentionally or otherwise serves no purpose and will kick you in the butt later. I made certain that all of me was in the photos, too. No hiding the lower part of your body.


Think about the things you either like to do or would like to be doing in the near future. Hopefully you are passionate about several hobbies or avocations. Shared things like that are great when you are getting to know someone.


Another thing, I really preferred to talk on the phone with someone a few times before we met. A female friend of mine said she hates this, but I know it's because she doesn't like how she comes across over the phone. I like the phone because you can tell if someone is warm, aloof, interested, etc. a lot better than from e-mails.



Better yet, ask for a video date. There are sites now, such as FriendsWin that provide a platform for video dating. That way you can really get to know the person without the stress of an in person date until you feel a certain level of trust.

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After my ex left me, I found a wonderful site (free ironically and its not primarily a dating site, its a "stuff" site with people selling things, but it also has a section for girls seeking guys, guys seeking girls, etc..) I dunno if i am allowed to give the address....


anyways, I went a bit nuts with this site after my gf left me. You post an overly flattering pic of yourself with a basic statement about yourself. Next thing, like 80 emails in your account. You can pick and choose. Maaan...I had so much fun it was crazy. I slept with more girls in those 7 months than I did in my whole life before that. Amazing. I even met my current GF on there, and we have been together for 6 months now.


But yeah, they can be fun, but also addictive. I would sometimes find myself on a saturday evening at home, posting an ad, and arranging dates just "to get off".


Funny thing about this site its not even a proper dating site, but its worked better than any other dating site ive used.

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After my ex left me, I found a wonderful site (free ironically and its not primarily a dating site, its a "stuff" site with people selling things, but it also has a section for girls seeking guys, guys seeking girls, etc..) I dunno if i am allowed to give the address....


anyways, I went a bit nuts with this site after my gf left me. You post an overly flattering pic of yourself with a basic statement about yourself. Next thing, like 80 emails in your account. You can pick and choose. Maaan...I had so much fun it was crazy. I slept with more girls in those 7 months than I did in my whole life before that. Amazing. I even met my current GF on there, and we have been together for 6 months now.


But yeah, they can be fun, but also addictive. I would sometimes find myself on a saturday evening at home, posting an ad, and arranging dates just "to get off".


Funny thing about this site its not even a proper dating site, but its worked better than any other dating site ive used.



I wouldn't exactly be proud of dating women off of Craigslist. There's a reason that their personal ads are listed alongside the junk people are trying to get rid of.........


Stock up on disinfectant.

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