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I REALLY like a girl who already has a boyfriend

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Hi guys,


I really like a girl who already has a bf.

I haven't had this feeling for a long time..I keep thinking about her.

It really bothers me. I cant sleep very well.


She doesn't know if I like her. I've never showed my feeling to her because I think I should respect their relationships.


But I meet her like twice a week and we often get together to study. The more I try to hide this feeling, the more I like her. and two days ago is one of the most beautiful moment in my life. She came to my room, and we watched a movie together. Only me and her, and kinda flirted her, and her face turned red. really red.


She seems very comfortable with me.


What should I do guys?

Should I just wait until they break up?

I am suffering right now

Plz help!!!!

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She has a boyfriend. Yes, you should respect that.


Really, if she opted to cheat on her boyfriend with you would you ...really feel good about that?


If you are so attracted to her that it messes with you then back off and look elsewhere.


Don't get too 'close' with someone who is 'involved'.

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I Have To Agree. Remember. Do You Just Want To Bone The Hell Out Of Her, Or Do You Want A Real Respectful One. If You Get Her To Cheat On Her Current Boyfriend, Then What Will Stop Her From Cheating On You If You And Her Got Together? I'm 39 Yrs Old. I've Been In Love With My Best Friend For Oh, .....daaaaaaaaaang, Well, Since The 9th Grade. She's Been With Her Husband For 14 Yrs. I Did Tell Her A Few Months Ago How I Felt. And I Have Always Respected Her And Her Husband. Yes, He Is An Ass, But She's Married To That Ass. Come Find Out, She's Always Felt The Same As I Have. But She Has Strong Morrils. Neither One Of Us Would Ever Cross The Line. Too Many Other People Can Be Effected!! My Point Is, If You Really Love This Girl, Just Be There For Her. I'm Sure You Know As Well As I Do, Women Can Be Strange. Yea! And So Can A Man. Don't Get Me Started On Them Tho. That's Another Thread. Lol. On The Other Hand, If You Just Want To Boink Her, And You Don't Care About Respect, Go For It. Go Ahead And Be Just Like Most Bonehead Guys. Keep The Trend Going On Smearing Our Great Faces In The Mud!

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The Collector

Most women, especially the hot ones, have a boyfriend. They need someone to put up shelves and buy them stuff and make them look popular. However roughly 79% of them are not at all happy in these relationships and are just looking for another branch to swing to.


You need to find out how serious her relationship is and make yourself seem like abetter option if she wants to dump him. However I don't recommend trying to get her to cheat on him, as that's the mark of a low quality woman.

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Most women, especially the hot ones, have a boyfriend. They need someone to put up shelves and buy them stuff and make them look popular. However roughly 79% of them are not at all happy in these relationships and are just looking for another branch to swing to.


You need to find out how serious her relationship is and make yourself seem like abetter option if she wants to dump him. However I don't recommend trying to get her to cheat on him, as that's the mark of a low quality woman.


Statistics pulling out of the a$$ again, eh?

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Hi guys,


I really like a girl who already has a bf.

I haven't had this feeling for a long time..I keep thinking about her.

It really bothers me. I cant sleep very well.


She doesn't know if I like her. I've never showed my feeling to her because I think I should respect their relationships.


But I meet her like twice a week and we often get together to study. The more I try to hide this feeling, the more I like her. and two days ago is one of the most beautiful moment in my life. She came to my room, and we watched a movie together. Only me and her, and kinda flirted her, and her face turned red. really red.


She seems very comfortable with me.


What should I do guys?

Should I just wait until they break up?

I am suffering right now

Plz help!!!!


You can either a) try to lure her away from her bf by showing her what a total stud muffin you are (SOME women love it when a guy competes for their affection) or b) you can wait for the to break up. Whatever you do, don't become a co-conspirator in the cheating game... Unless you want her for nothing more than a mere romp in the sack (which I doubt seeing as how you described the movie watching moment as "beautiful").

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The Collector
Statistics pulling out of the a$$ again, eh?


I can't help it, that seems to be where most of the useful statistics are!


Yeah OP, what Ocean-Blue said. And remember she is going to respond much better to you being a confident stud-muffin (preferably with other options) than a love-sick piner with a crush.

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Thanks for the advices guys!!


I feel much better now.

That's true. I don't want to be a "love-sick piner with a crush"; I am just gonna be a confident guy like I used to be.


It's just a waste of time keep thinking about her. That's so dumb..I wasted most of my entire weekends just thinking about her..lol


Actually she said they are just dating recently, and I don't know if she is very serious with her bf. She never talk about her bf to me.


"underpants". I think you are right. I will respect their relationship, and I will try to not make her cheat on her bf.


She is a really good girl, and she is almost like my dream girl. She is very beautiful, smart and has a really good personality.


I think there is one thing that I should to do which is to find out if she is really happy with her bf because that girl deserves a good man; like me :p

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first off, im just curious to know how old are you? i think sometimes when a person spends more and more time with another person, their feelings grow. but you have to remember that she's in a relationship. put yourself in the other guys' shoes. would you want another guy hitting on your girl? be respectful...don't ruin a friendship...and don't let testosterone over power you.

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first off, im just curious to know how old are you? i think sometimes when a person spends more and more time with another person, their feelings grow. but you have to remember that she's in a relationship. put yourself in the other guys' shoes. would you want another guy hitting on your girl? be respectful...don't ruin a friendship...and don't let testosterone over power you.


I am 20 years old. We are all about the same ages and going to the same university.


Actually I have known her a long time ago (in freshman year in college) before she met her current bf, but then I had kinda like a study aboard program, and I had to move to Europe two years ago- I didn't really keep in touch with her cuz I didn't have any feelings with her, and two months ago I came back and I saw her in one of my classes and we started to talk and hang out together, and somehow I become really attracted to her.


I don't want to steal her, and I totally respect their relationships, but I just wish I could be her bf.


I don't really know him, but I think I am better than him. Educational wise I am much better than him. My major is Chemical Engineering, I have 3.6 GPA, I had an internship with BP (British Petroleum) in UK last summer. I am about to graduate this May 08, and I will be working at BP, and earning a pretty decent salary. His major WAS Industrial Engineering, but then he changed his major to something else and he won't be graduating until another two years because he was too busy partying.


Appearance wise..hmmm...I don't want to judge about my look..Let see I am about 6' tall athletic, I was in Soccer team while I was in Europe. He is also about the same height with me. I don't know know if he is in a sport team, but for sure he is not in the Football team.




What do you mean?

I've never thought to have a sex with her. Not at all.

I just really love her.

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