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She just got a cold sore...

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I've been dating the same girl for 3-4 years now. All of a sudden she got a cold sore but never had before when I have been with her. She says she used to get them when she was a kid. Simply put, is she cheating?


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While cold sores can be transmitted by kissing other people with them, they can also be transmitted by sharing a glass or can of drink with someone else.


You can get them from non-passionate kissing (ie kissing your grandma).


I think you need a bit more evidence- one cold sore is not enough evidence your GF is cheating, and if you confront her with it, I imagine her reaction will be less than favourable.

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While cold sores can be transmitted by kissing other people with them, they can also be transmitted by sharing a glass or can of drink with someone else.


You can get them from non-passionate kissing (ie kissing your grandma).


I think you need a bit more evidence- one cold sore is not enough evidence your GF is cheating, and if you confront her with it, I imagine her reaction will be less than favourable.

I didn't get them for years, but recently one emerged. And I thought those days were over, darn! Don't jump to conclusions, these viruses can go into remission for years and suddenly return. Good luck with your GF.

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You really ought to do some research on medical sites and learn about cold sores. You are jumping to ridiculous conclusions - cold sores are transmitted very easily and I've read statistics from 60-80% of the population has been infected by them during their lifetimes. Break-outs are unpredictable. Some people, like YOU, for example, may be infected and not even get a break-out.


Unless you have some other CONCRETE reasons to think she is cheating, do not ruin your relationship by accusing her.

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I didn't get them for years, but recently one emerged. And I thought those days were over, darn! Don't jump to conclusions, these viruses can go into remission for years and suddenly return. Good luck with your GF.


This is also true. I have never had one (thankfully!).


Thanks White Flower.

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Thanks for the replies everyone. I did research it a bit but wanted to post and get some opinions as well. I knew it could be dormant for awhile and come out but I just didn't know if being dormant for 4 years was out of the question.

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She also could have picked this up from work. I was extremely anal at my last job, everytime someone used my computer, desk, phone, I would wipe it down with lysol. No shi.t! EVERYONE I worked with eventually got a cold sore (everyone but me)...From sharing the phone! Using the same keyboard...It just happens.


I wouldn't assume she cheated on ya.

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She also could have picked this up from work. I was extremely anal at my last job, everytime someone used my computer, desk, phone, I would wipe it down with lysol. No shi.t! EVERYONE I worked with eventually got a cold sore (everyone but me)...From sharing the phone! Using the same keyboard...It just happens.

I can imagine what EVERYONE at work thought of you! :laugh::p


Recently I read that shopping carts are very dirty, dirtier than public bathrooms, full of germs. They advised to wipe the hold so I did it with Windex, cuz I didn't have wet wipes at the time. I was kinda embarassed to do that and made sure people didn't see it. Then my son said: "Are you nuts or something?" :D I never did it again. Ignorance is bliss.

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